[Music]  [Text on screen  Intense Pulsed Light Treatment]  The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center  Intense Pulse Light Treatment  David Castellano, MD: IPL is a treatment for chronic dry eyes, it stands for intense pulse light. It has been shown to be helpful for patients with rosacea and dry eye conditions. IPL has been around for several years and is FDA approved. IPL was first used to treat patients with rosacea, some of the patients noticed that it helped their dry eye symptoms. This was followed by studies showing IPL did in fact improve chronic dry eye symptoms. As an ophthalmologist I often see patients with chronic dry eyes when all other treatments have not provided sufficient relief, IPL is now available as an excellent alternative. Intense pulse light treatments work by treating the skin around the eyes. The intense pulse light targets abnormal blood vessels in the eyelids. The heat from the light pulses helps reduce abnormal blood vessels. This results in increased tear production as well as improved eyelid oil gland function. Simply put, IPL is an excellent addition to our treatment options for chronic dry eye when all other options have been tried and failed. [Music]