Foam rolling exercises [Music playing in the background through entire video] Chest stretch Lie down on the foam roll between your shoulder blades. Allow your arms to drop towards the floor. Keep your elbows straight. You should feel a gentle stretch across your chest. Hold for 1-3 minutes. Iliotibial Band (IBT) Start on your side with a foam roll under your bottom thigh. Using your arms and top leg roll up and down the foam roll along the side of your thigh. Don't let the foam roll go underneath your knee. Repeat 10-20 times on both sides. Glute Piriformis Sit on a foam roll and cross your right leg on top of your left knee. Lean slightly towards your right side. Using your arms and left leg, roll forward and back across your buttock area. Repeat 10-20 times on both sides. Calves Bilateral Sit with the foam roll under your right calf and your left leg on top. Lift your body up with your arms. Roll forward and back across your calf. Repeat 10Ð20 times on both sides. Quadricep Single Lie down so that a foam role is under the top of your thigh. Cross your other leg over the top. Using your arms propped on your elbows, roll forward and back across this area. Don't let the foam roll go underneath your knee. Repeat 10-20 times on both sides. Hamstring Bilateral Start by sitting on a foam roll under both thighs. Using your arms comma roll forward and back across this area. Repeat 10Ð20 times. Spine roll Lie on your back with a foam roll under your back. Place your hands behind your head. Slowly roll forward and back across your back using your legs. If this hurts your neck, place your hands on stomach. Repeat 10Ð20 times. Hip Adductors Lie face down with a foam rolled diagonally under your inner thigh. Use your arms to roll up and down your leg. Repeat 10-20 times on both sides. [The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center]