Do you really have a penicillin allergy? 

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[Text on screen: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Do you really have a penicillin allergy?]

[Text on screen: 
Christopher Brooks, MD
Allergy and Immunology Physician
Ohio State Wexner Medical Center]

Christopher Brooks, MD: About 10% of the population actually says they have a penicillin allergy, and only about 10% of those people actually truly have one, so only about 1% of people actually truly have a penicillin allergy. It's super worthwhile to determine if you really have a penicillin allergy, because there's a lot of different types of infections where amoxicillin is the best treatment for it. Also, if you end up in the hospital with a serious infection, it's important that the doctors there are able to give you the most effective medication. 

Also, there's another group of patients. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends that all pregnant patients with a penicillin allergy get evaluated for their allergy, because they're at high risk of needing treatment with penicillin during their pregnancy. So they actually recommend that all pregnant patients with a penicillin allergy listed see an allergist to have their penicillin allergy evaluated.

[Text on screen: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
For more information, visit:]

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