[Music playing]

[Text on screen:
Reece Bergstrom, DO
Uveitis and Surgical Retina Specialist
Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences]

Reece Bergstrom, DO: Hi, my name is Dr. Reece Bergstrom. I’m a uveitis and surgical retina specialist that works at The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences. If you think of the eye like a camera, you have a lens inside the eye and a film inside the eye. The lens helps to focus that image onto the back of the eye, which is our film, or the retina.

So our goal with retina is to protect that film and make sure that the health of that film or the retina is good, so you can develop a clear picture with the help of glasses or other needs there. 

Uveitis is the study or understanding of inflammation inside the eye, and specifically that reflects sometimes autoimmune conditions or infections and how we control that inflammation or protect the eye from the damaging effects of that inflammation.

If your film is damaged from inflammation, that may lead to complications in the retina, such as retinal detachments, macular holes, epiretinal membranes, other types of complications, and our goal to combine uveitis and retina is to do what we can to control that inflammation, protect the film so that you can develop a clear picture.

[Text on screen:
The Ohio State University]

[Music ends]