Tracy Townsend: 10TV partners with The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center to help you better your health. After experiencing pain, Cheryl discovered she had a blood clot in her leg. Listen to what happened next. Patient Cheryl: I was on appointments and I got out of my car and it felt like I had a charley horse in my leg. It was very sudden. And as the day progressed, every time I would walk, I had severe pain in my leg to the point I was limping. They said that the clot had been there for years; it had actually become part of my leg; it was attached. Jean Starr, MD, vascular surgeon: Frequent symptoms of vascular disease include leg pain while walking, sometimes pain at rest and non-healing wounds. If someone has that they should first seek the attention of their primary care doctor and get testing ordered to diagnose vascular disease. Patient Cheryl: Everybody here was excellent. They did a great job. I mean, I had a whole team of doctors and if I hadn't come down to Ohio State, I probably would not have my leg. Jean Staff, MD: Here at Ohio State, we have a variety of specialists that help care for the vascular patients so that we can provide the best care that there is available. [The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center]