How to use bedside tablet to order meals

[Music playing]

Speaker 1: Welcome to The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. We are honored and proud to serve you during this difficult and sometimes confusing journey. In an effort to ease your transition into the hospital, we'd like to empower you with as much information prior to your stay.

As your advocates and nutrition services team, we strive to make your stay with us as comfortable as possible and look forward to serving you while helping you heal through nutrition. During your stay here as a patient, you will be given a tablet for your bedside use. While this tablet has several functions, we want to focus today on using it to select your meals.

To use the Order My Meals feature, simply log in using the username and password given to you by your nurse and click the Order My Meals button on the bottom left-hand corner. From here, select your meals according to your diet order. Using the icons located in the center of the page, you can select your meal choices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Once you have selected the meal you desire, follow the prompts to select all of the items you would like to have for that meal.

[Animation: The patient scrolls through lunch options on the tablet and clicks on their selections]

After all of your items have been selected, you will then click submit order. A block of times will appear for you to choose for when you would like your meal to arrive. 

[Text on screen: You are not able to change food items after the order is submitted. 
This order contains an entry but no condiments. Please note condiments or toppings need to be selected separately to your order. Please click Close button below to select more food items for this meal. Otherwise, click Submit button to complete this order.]

Please keep in mind we request a 45-minute window from the time that you request your order, so plan accordingly for the time that you select. Also remember, nothing will come preloaded onto your tray. Any side items, or condiments, must be selected manually to be added to your ticket.

Your tablet is catered to your specific needs. Only options that fit your diet will appear for you to select. Additionally, there are certain diet types you may be placed on that will limit the capabilities available to you. These include your selection variety, or the time in which your meals arrive. If you are uncomfortable selecting for yourself, a nutrition aide will be around to assist you with your tablet or to order your meals for you. If you have dietary restrictions, sensitivities, or cultural preferences, please notify your nurse or PCA so that we can assist you with options that fit your needs.

We look forward to taking care of you while you stay with us at the Wexner Medical Center. For more information or any questions you may have, please talk with your nurse, PCA and nutrition aide assigned to your floor.

[Text on screen: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center]

[Music fades]