Nursing: Not just a career, but a calling
The Heart of a Nurse: Ginny Castle

"Growing up, I thought I always wanted to be a teacher. But looking back, I think I knew I would be a nurse all along. When I was in kindergarten, we were asked to draw a picture of what we wanted to be when we grew up. I drew myself as a nurse with a cart, standing next to a patient in bed.
In this position, I have found how much I really do love to teach. I precept new nurses, and I think back to the nurses that taught me how to be a nurse. And I want to be that person for them 20 years down the road. I want them to think back and say, ‘She was kind of tough on me sometimes, but by golly, I think I’m a better nurse for that.’ Because someday, they might be taking care of me."
It's not just Ginny Castle's 32 years of experience that make her an amazing registered nurse, but her compassion and expertise that make her a mentor to those around her.
Her peers say she provides excellent care to patients and gives families the knowledge they need. What's more, she, "willingly and graciously shares her knowledge and insight," with the entire team at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center's Medical Intensive Care Unit.
"It's not just a profession," Ginny explains about her work. "It's not just a career. It's a calling."