Brand voice is what we say and how we say it, which covers content, message, tone and style.

Our brand voice should be consistent from department to department, as though one writer created all of our materials. When we write, we want to incorporate these elements:

  • First person voice (we, our)
  • Active voice (the subject is the doer of the act)
  • Simple and direct; delete excess words
  • Professional, but not too formal or technical (unless the audience or topic requires it)
  • Sincere; tell stories whenever possible to connect with people on a personal level
  • Conversational, “business casual”
  • Approachable, friendly
  • Collaborative; seek feedback, when appropriate

Our voice

Brand voice is what we say and how we say it, which covers content, message, tone and style.

How we write

Our brand voice should be consistent from department to department, as though one writer created all of our materials. When we write, we want to incorporate these elements:

  • First person voice (we, our)
  • Active voice (the subject is the doer of the act)
  • Simple and direct; delete excess words
  • Professional, but not too formal or technical (unless the audience or topic requires it)
  • Sincere; tell stories whenever possible to connect with people on a personal level
  • Conversational, “business casual”
  • Approachable, friendly
  • Collaborative; seek feedback, when appropriate