A heart biopsy is used to obtain a sample of your heart muscle so it can be evaluated at a microscopic level. Heart biopsies are used for a variety of clinical reasons, including determining if your heart muscle has been infiltrated by a virus or other biologic substances like iron or amyloid (an abnormal protein). After receiving a heart transplant, heart biopsies are also used at regular intervals after surgery to screen for signs of rejection.

What to expect during a heart biopsy

Preparing for your procedure

Do not eat or drink anything for at least six hours prior to your heart biopsy. Check with your physician to determine if any of your medications should be avoided for the days leading up to your scheduled test. Make sure to bring all of your medications, as well as any herbal or dietary supplements and over-the-counter medications, to the test with you.

During your procedure

You might be asked to change into a hospital gown before your heart biopsy. It is important to remain completely still while the procedure is performed. You may feel a few extra beats of your heart when the tissue is removed. It is also possible that you feel faint, hot, flushed or thirsty. Let the physician or nurse know immediately if you experience any of these sensations.

After your procedure

Once the procedure is complete, the catheters are removed and pressure is held on the site to slow down the bleeding. Ointment and a bandage will be placed on the site. The nurse will take your vital signs and instruct you to remain in a semi-upright sitting position for at least one hour after the procedure. If this is an outpatient procedure for you, check with the nurse for how long you should stay in the waiting room prior to going home.

Make sure to avoid any heavy lifting and to keep the bandage on the site for 24 hours. Gently place your hand over the site to support it if you are going to cough or sneeze. If the site starts to bleed, hold pressure on it for at least 10 minutes. Seek medical attention immediately if the bleeding fails to stop.

Your physician will be in touch as soon as your biopsy results are available.

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