Support Our Featured Initiatives

Generous donors have established numerous funds. These funds contribute significantly to our department's ability to UNITE to Save Vision. Please consider one of these existing funds or create your own.

Chair Sayoko Moroi, MD PhD describes the importance of giving support. 

Message from the Chair

Sayoko Moroi, MD, PhD

Dear Friends and Family of the Havener Eye Institute,

We are living in remarkable times with important reminders about the critical need for data-driven science and education in traditional formats of peer-reviewed publications and in social media. People value their vision and eye health because this precious sense contributes to our quality of life and independence.

New technologies have benefited patients for earlier detection of diseases, such as glaucoma, and for the new generation of clinicians by bringing medical students into the clinic virtually using smart phone technology.

As Buckeyes, we are bold thinkers, creative problem solvers, and innovative dreamers. The journey toward new discoveries takes investments from federal agencies, private foundations, and philanthropic gifts.

A gift to the Havener Eye Institute can support:

We welcome your partnership to fulfill our mission “To Restore, Preserve and Enhance Vision to Improve Lives for ALL”.

Sayoko “Sy” E. Moroi, MD, PhD
William H. Havener, MD Endowed Professor
Chair – Havener Eye Institute | Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences