The Addiction Studies Institute conference convenes leading experts from across the country to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to serve those struggling with addiction.

2025 Annual Conference
June 25: hybrid (virtual or in-person)
June 26: hybrid (virtual or in-person)
June 27: virtual only
Location: The Ohio State University Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, OH 43210
Interested in participating as a vendor? Contact
Get ready to present at the 34th Annual 2025 Addiction Studies Institute Conference!
Registration coming soon for the 2025 Addiction Studies Institute (ASI) Conference June 25–27, 2025. Join your colleagues for three days of the latest trends and topics in substance use disorder and hear from knowledgeable and dynamic speakers, earn CEU credits and more!
Registration begins March 10, 2025
Speaker Presentation Portal
Speaker Presentation Portal is now open from October 7, 2024–February 5, 2025, and accepted speakers will be notified on or before February 21, 2025.
Speaker Presentation Portal signup
Past Topics include:
- Ethics
- Supervision
- Prevention
- Need for adolescent focused treatment in Columbus.
- DBT, women and the challenges they face in addiction, treatment, and recovery, and domestic violence.
- DV and addiction
- Addressing addiction, the drug court
- Anti Craving medications
- SUD in the geriatric population.
- Up to date current drugs of abuse / latest street drugs
- Addiction and the Psychology of the Family Dynamics. Intervention Process o
- Use of ketamine in treatment as well as info about hallucinogens
- Alternative group therapy topics
- Prevention topics or DSM5 coverage
- Addiction vs mental health in the chronically homeless population
- Internet gaming
- Music therapy with substance use recovery
- Addiction and grief-- families affected
- Hoarding or OCD
- The influence of media on our youth and addiction.
More about the conference
The following subject matter represents content areas appropriate for substance use disorder /chemical dependency specific education hours. Please utilize when filling out SUD Specific Education Grid for initial application with the OCDP Board. See note at bottom for those renewing with the OCDP Board.
Some educational courses may cover content that can be split into several content areas. Distribution of course hours cannot exceed the number of hours awarded by the education provider. Educational Sponsors or Providers should utilize this document in determining content areas for courses/workshops/trainings for OCDP Board approved CEU hours.
C1 - Substance Use Disorder & Recovery Knowledge
This content area may include both theories of addictions as well as more general knowledge about substance use and the development of substance use disorders.
Information that meets this content area may include:
- Contemporary and historical models and theories regarding substance use (and other addictive) disorders. Psychological approaches for explaining drug dependence, i.e. behavioral models, cognitive theories, personality theories, etc.
- Knowledge, terms and concepts related to theory, etiology, research, and practice
- Brain disease research and findings
- Knowledge of biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects impacted by substance use and substance use disorders
- Understanding the difference between substance use disorders from other medical and psychological conditions
- Communications related to addiction use knowledge with individuals with substance use disorders and others affected by the substance use.
C2 - Counseling Procedures and Strategies as applied to those with Substance Use Disorder
This content may include counseling theories, stages of change, evidence-based strategies and skills in effectively engaging with individuals with substance use disorders. The importance of cultural diversity, trauma informed and sensitive/delicate engagement strategies.
Information that meets this content area may include:
- Evidence based counseling, integrated care & inter-professional strategies, engagement strategies, psycho-social interventions utilized in the treatment and relapse prevention of substance use disorders including but not limited to
- Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Treatment and MAT; development and utilization of recovery supports
- Significance of the stages of change in the treatment and counseling process
- Information to enhance cultural diversity, trauma sensitivity and recognition of the impact of cooccurring disorders in the treatment of substance use disorders
- Development of and importance of the therapeutic alliance
- Use of self in the counseling and engagement processes
- Elements indicative of a crisis and effective intervention strategies
- Professional issues including countertransference, boundary setting, and the therapeutic use of self disclosure
C3 - Group Process and Techniques
This content area includes information and skills needed to effectively utilize group as a treatment modality.
Information that meets this content area may include:
- Understanding and providing psychoeducation that is applicable to client needs
- Group therapy as a treatment modality including models, types, stages, risks and benefits of group participation
- Group facilitation strategies and skills to increase positive clinical impact of the group in the individual change process
- Strategies to enhance cultural and trauma sensitivity in the utilization and facilitation of group
C4 -Assessment and Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorder
This content area may include information about the screening, assessment, assessment tools, and data gathering to effectively determine the presence of a substance use disorder and the identification of client strengths and needs.
Information that meets this content area may include:
- Screening, assessment and data gathering procedures
- Diagnostic interviewing emphasizing the impact of substance use on bio-psycho-social functioning
- Examination of both antecedents/precursors and consequences of substance use
- Use and interpretation of testing instruments for identifying psychoactive
- Substance use disorders
- Knowledge of DSM criteria for determining diagnosis of substance use Disorders
- Criteria for determining appropriate treatment modality, specific interventions and recommended initial level of care, i.e. ASAM level of care
- Use of collateral data and other helpful information in the assessment process
- Recognition of the presence and impact of co-occurring disorders, their impact on the development of substance use disorders, and referral processes for further assessment and evaluation of co-occurring disorders
- Information required for a comprehensive assessment and how to properly document
C5 – Family Dynamics
This content area may include information about family dynamics, impact of substance use on significant relationships as well as the development and implementation of effective family related education and counseling services.
Information that meets this content area may include:
- The role of family, social networks, and community systems as assets or obstacles in treatment and recovery processes
- Methods and strategies for incorporating family and social dynamics in addictions/SUD treatment and recovery processes
- Knowledge of the impact of substance use on family and other interpersonal relationships
- Models and techniques to assess strengths and challenges of relationships and effective engagement strategies with family members and other significant relationships
- Educational or clinical needs of family members and other significant relationships
- Family dynamics, distress and dysfunction related to the presence of substance use disorders and/or other medical or psychological conditions
C6 - Pharmacology
This content area may include information about the effects of various psychoactive, synthetic and herbal substances of abuse; as well as prescribed pharmaceuticals used for treatment of addiction and mental and emotional disorders. A minimum of 6 hours should include information about medications for addiction/substance use disorder treatment.
Information that meets this content area may include:
- Pharmacology of medications for addiction treatment (MAT) i.e. Methadone, Suboxone, Vivitrol, etc.); naloxone training
- Importance of psychosocial interventions as part of Medication Assisted treatment protocols including withdraw management
- Pharmacodynamics of psychoactive, synthetic, herbal substances of abuse, and psychotropic medications used in the treatment of substance use disorders and psychological disorders
- The impact of various psychoactive substances on an individual’s physiology, brain functioning, mental processes/perceptions, human growth and development, the development of tolerance and associated withdrawal symptoms
C7 – Relapse and Recovery Strategies
This content may include evidence-based approaches to relapse and recovery support strategies.
Information that meets this content area may include:
- Types of community support groups, AA, NA, CA
- Role of peer support
- Recovery Residences
- Harm reduction strategies
- Wellness knowledge and strategies for self-care
- Current behavioral health trends and research, i.e. suicide and self- harm, gambling, violence, grief and loss, sexually transmitted infections, human trafficking awareness and prevention
- Self- care of clinicians
C8 - Treatment Planning
This content area may include utilization of assessment information in determining appropriate level of care, the development of individualized treatment and relapse prevention plans, identification of appropriate clinical interventions, the evaluation and documentation of the effectiveness of treatment interventions.
Information that meets this content area may include:
- Models and levels of care in the treatment of substance use disorders
- Criteria for admission, continuing care and discharge from various levels of care for the treatment of substance use disorders
- Development of individualized treatment plans utilizing individual challenges, strengths to address immediate and long-term needs to support recovery and preventing relapse
- Utilization of assessment information and the individual’s stage of change in the development of an individualized treatment plan
- Communication to help clients/patients understand diagnosis to develop an individual treatment plan
- Skills needed to develop collaborative relationships with individuals with substance use disorders
- Identification of appropriate treatment interventions (i.e. individual, group counseling) to support immediate needs and relapse prevention strategies
- Case management models, services and referral processes to address needs that cannot be met within the current treatment arena
- Treatment Planning documentation standards
C9 - Legal and Ethical Issues Pertaining to Substance Use Disorder Professionals
This content area may include information about ethical practices, and legal and ethical requirements that are applicable to the addiction profession. Common issues leading to and strategies to combat ethical violations including training, supervision, and documentation.
Information that meets this content area may include:
- Specific knowledge of appropriate ethical codes and laws associated within the addictions counseling profession within scope of practice
- Accurate understanding of the social implications of diagnostic labels, such as avoiding stigma language, using person-centered language and the accountability of the profession to support
- Issues with Telehealth regarding confidentiality, and other ethical concerns
- Knowledge of ethical practices and challenges involved in providing services to individual with substance use disorders, such as avoiding multiple relationship, billing errors, confidentiality, etc.
- Knowledge of clinical and cultural competence and limitations
- Legal and ethical aspects of Clinical Supervision
- Roles and responsibilities of addictions professionals when aware of or engaging with the OCDP Board’s investigations regarding potential ethical violations
The following represent content area descriptions appropriate for clinical supervision education.
S1 - Counselor Development
- Clinical supervision models
- Teaching and training methods and strategies
- Assessment theories
- Practices and tools
- Feedback purpose and process
- Motivational techniques to promote career development
- Communication processes/ techniques
S2 - Professional & Ethical Standards
- Problem solving/conflict resolution models
- Theories of stress management
- Adult learning models
- Fellow staff ethical problem solving
- Special populations
- Ethics/Appropriate professional boundaries regarding clients
- Agency policy regarding appropriate counselor/client and supervisor-supervisee relationships
- Includes public relation techniques
- Professional organizations, their goals and objectives
- Government agencies
- Agency, state and professional codes
- Route of reporting ethical violations
- Credentialing requirements
- Impact of nutrition and exercise on physical and mental well-being
- Stages of human development
- Various cultures, values and lifestyles
- Confidentiality laws grievance process
S3 - Program Development & Quality Assurance
- Includes developing program goals and objectives
- Advocacy
- Methods of program development delivery
- Program needs assessments
- Relationship building to enhance service delivery
- Monitoring client outcomes
- Clinical services improvement planning
- Client access, engagement and retention
- Development and implementation of quality improvement and quality assurance processes
- Facilitation of staff learning
S4 - Performance Evaluation
- Leadership styles
- Interview techniques
- Stress management
- Observation techniques
- Functional communication skills
- Public speaking techniques
- Basic teaching techniques
- Career development
- Comprehensive assessment
- Interventions and strategies
- Ways to coordinate supervision with appropriate and reasonable work assignment
S5 - Administration
- Includes monitoring techniques
- Management practices
- Orientation procedures and practice
- Motivational skills
- Consultation strategies
- Staff development
- Program assessment and development methods
- Deference between consultation and supervision
- Agency’s hiring and termination policies
- Performance appraisals
The following represent content area descriptions appropriate for Gambling Endorsement education.
G1 - Basic Knowledge of Gambling Disorder
- Understanding the history, prevalence and social impact of gambling in the US
- Understanding the history and theoretical basis for treatment of gambling disorder as well as familiarity with current research and literature in the field
- Knowledge of gambling disorder terminology, progression of the disorder, and withdrawal symptoms
- Knowledge of client evaluations for gambling disorder including screening, intake, assessment and diagnostic criteria
G2 - Gambling Counseling Practice
- Understanding the effect of gambling disorder on the gambler personally, interpersonally, financially, as well as management of the disorder and the recovery process
- Knowledge of skills in gambling disorder treatment including individual, group and family counseling, interventions and treatment planning
- Understanding the relationship of gambling disorder to substance abuse
- Understanding of sociocultural values and attitude systems related to finances, gambling disorder and spiritual concerns
- Knowledge of client care in gambling disorder treatment including case management, referral resources, report and record keeping, and consultation.
- Knowledge of the steps, traditions and philosophy of Gamblers Anonymous, its relation to various treatments and the programs of Gam-Anon and Gam-A-Teen
G3 - Special Issues in Gambling Treatment
- Understanding special populations as it relates to gambling disorder including adolescents, older adults, female gamblers, cultural minorities and criminal justice
- Knowledge of relapse and relapse prevention as it relates to gambling disorder
- Understanding suicide, co-occurring disorders and chronic illness as it relates to gambling disorder
G4 - Professionalism in Gambling Treatment
- Understanding administrative and clinical supervision as it relates to gambling disorder treatment
- Knowledge of client rights in gambling disorder treatment including confidentiality, informed consent, and non-discrimination
- Knowledge of counselor responsibilities in gambling disorder treatment including reporting duties, client welfare, inter-professional relationships and continuous quality improvement
Please see OCDP website or OAC 4758-13 for Renewal Requirements, including Endorsement renewals. All courses that apply to the content areas C1, C2, C4, C5 and C7 can be used to meet your substance use disorder specific renewal hour requirement. All content areas above can also be used in the TR1 area for RENEWALS.
TR1- Treatment Field Related
(Only can use TR1 for Renewals; cannot be used for certification or licensure)
The content area is only used for Renewals and should only be used by those conducting education programs if the information is related to substance use disorder treatment but does not fit into any of the Content Areas above. Any certificates marked as TR1 can NOT be used for education requirements for those applying for treatment certification or licensure; unless the applicant can produce the agenda and goals/objectives of the training, instructor bio, why they believe the TR1 CEU could be applied to a specific Substance Use Disorder Content area, and the Board makes an exception.
Educational providers are to list the number of hours and the content area of the material their course/workshop/training covers on certificates. As an applicant, you should keep agendas and descriptions to verify material was presented in the appropriate content area if you believe content could be applied in another content area than listed on the certificate.
Ohio Administrative Code 4758-5 License and Certification requirements
Ohio Administrative Code 4758-13 Continuing Education and License Renewal
The following subject matter represents content areas appropriate for prevention education. Please utilize when filling out Prevention Specific Education Grid for initial application with the OCDP Board for prevention credentials. See note at bottom for those renewing with the OCDP Board.
Educational Sponsors or Providers should utilize this document in determining content areas for courses/workshops/trainings for OCDP Board approved Prevention CEU hours. Some educational courses may cover content that can be split into several content areas. Distribution of course hours cannot exceed the number of hours awarded by the education provider.
Education in counseling theory, models, strategies and/or techniques for the purpose of diagnosing or treating behavioral health disorders, including substance use disorders, will NOT be accepted as prevention education.
P1 - Planning & Evaluation
This content area focuses on determining the level of community readiness for change, identifying appropriate methods to gather data for prevention planning, and evaluating prevention work.
Education content may include learning and skill development of:
- Strategic Planning i.e. Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) process
- Data collection i.e. key informant interviewing, running focus groups, stakeholder survey development and implementation
- Assessment of Community Readiness or Prevention Programs
- Strategies to build community capacity
- Logic model development as a planning and evaluation tool
- Collecting, organizing, and interpreting data
- Components of effective prevention program planning
- Effective, outcome-focused prevention programming development
- Prevention program evaluation instruments/models/strategies
- Validity, reliability, and cultural relevancy of evaluation instruments/models
- Evaluation activities to document program fidelity
- Sustainability strategies
- Types of data collection (Quantitative /Qualitative, surveys, key informant interviews, focus groups, environmental scans)
- Process/Outcome evaluation
P2 - Prevention Education & Service Delivery
Learning about and/or how to implement prevention education and evidence- based practices would be in this content area. The content area focuses on the application on what you have learned about prevention.
Education content may include learning and skill development of:
- Training in Evidence- based Prevention Education Strategies, Best practices and Curricula ie. PAX training, Life Skills, Incredible Years, Q P.R. (Question, Persuade, Refer), Stacked Deck
- Train the Trainer (TOT) for prevention programs
- Early Childhood development (exemption working with a child with a MH diagnosis)
- Training and group facilitation techniques for prevention application
- Enhancing skills for delivering prevention programming
- Learning styles, instructional strategies, presentation methods
- Current issues and research of mental, emotional and behavioral health, including the process of addiction, and its effect on the body, developmental processes, and family systems (i.e. marijuana, vaping, anxiety, depression, gambling, grief and loss, eating disorders, human trafficking, fetal alcohol syndrome, suicide, mental health wellness such as mindfulness, etc.)
P3 – Communication
This content area includes the messaging, and methods used to promote prevention and health promotion in behavioral health.
Education content may include learning and skill development of:
- Appropriate approaches to reaching target audiences
- Developing media/ public awareness campaigns
- How to properly use social media platforms/marketing
- Social norming campaigns
- Writing and Communication skills
- General Public Speaking skills
- Engaging the Media
- Media Literacy
- Information Dissemination practices
- Motivational Interviewing in a prevention context
P4 - Community Organization
This content area focuses on mobilizing community members for community change. It is about learning to identify the community and its norms and build community ownership. Learning the skills of collaborating with stakeholders in a community when planning, implementing and evaluating prevention activities.
Education content may include learning and skill development of:
- Community Coalitions: Development, sustainability
Revised 2.2021

Get the education credits you need
You can choose from entry-level to advanced sessions to fit your requirements based on your profession.

Nationally recognized experts here for you
Leading experts in addiction medicine come together to give you the most up-to-date guidance and tools.
Testimonials from Past Attendees
Brad Lander, PhD, LICDC-CS – The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
The Addiction Studies Institute (ASI) Conference has several goals, but one of the most important is for attendees to walk out with skills they can put into practice. The materials covered in sessions are not all theoretical; people can come out of the conference and do something better because conference planners who dedicate each day to trying to make the lives of the people working with alcohol and substance abuse better. Brad Lander, PhD, LICDC-CS, psychologist at the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center and longtime conference attendee, says “a lot of people look forward to (the conference) because it’s always different; there are few things we do the same.” Dr. Lander says that the ASI Conference leverages and incorporates up-to-date information as part of the workshops and presentations. “The ASI Conference rotates sessions when newer, more relevant information comes to light and gives attendees the opportunity to continue their growth of knowledge. I’m always pulling something from the institute and the conference.”
Pat Bridgeman, retired lobbyist and longtime conference attendee
The Addiction Studies Institute (ASI) Conference has several goals, but one of the most important is for attendees to walk out with skills they can put into practice. The materials covered in sessions are not all theoretical; people can come out of the conference and do something better because conference planners who dedicate each day to trying to make the lives of the people working with alcohol and substance abuse better. Brad Lander, PhD, LICDC-CS, psychologist at the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center and longtime conference attendee, says “a lot of people look forward to (the conference) because it’s always different; there are few things we do the same.” Dr. Lander says that the ASI Conference leverages and incorporates up-to-date information as part of the workshops and presentations. “The ASI Conference rotates sessions when newer, more relevant information comes to light and gives attendees the opportunity to continue their growth of knowledge. I’m always pulling something from the institute and the conference.”
Jeff Langstaff, 30-year conference attendee
According to longtime conference attendee Jeff Langstaff, there are three great reasons to attend the ASI Conference: skill building, gaining current knowledge to provide quality care and networking. Langstaff, one of the longest, most consistent attendees of the conference, has been involved with ASI for over 35 years. He praises the conference as it celebrates its 30th year for the skills he’s learned from attending the conference all those years. He’s also grateful the ASI Conference continues to find new and developing ideas, and that it models in-the-field practices and methodologies. Langstaff encourages attendees to absorb as much information as possible to include in their practices. The ASI conference experience connects attendees to professionals all over Ohio and beyond, and Langstaff says networking can expand the attendees’ knowledge in the field, open attendees to different ideas, and let attendees refer someone or get backgrounds on other programs. “The ASI conference helps attendees grow professionally and gives them the tools to make a difference in their work,” he says.
Hear from past attendees:
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Ohio State Talbot Addiction Medicine thank you for the work that you do every day in the fight against addiction and substance use disorders, especially in these challenging pandemic times. It's your expertise and experience that inspire this conference.
Questions about the conference? Contact Tamara Buhrts at