Prematurity, congenital anomalies and obstetric conditions account for many infant deaths; sudden infant deaths, (sleep related) and injuries also contribute.

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Proportion of Causes of Infant Death in Ohio (2016)

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Infant Mortality is defined by The Centers for Disease Control as the death of a living baby before his/her first birthday. The infant mortality rate is an estimate of the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births.
  • The infant mortality rate directly reflects maternal and infant health AND the health of the community they live in.
  • In 2018 Ohio’s infant mortality rate improved to 6.9, short of the 2020 Healthy People goal of 6.0; and Ohio still ranks among the states with the highest infant death rates.
  • 938 babies died in 2018. A high disparity ratio continues with white rates of 5.4 and 553 deaths, while Black babies died three times more often, with 339 deaths and a rate of 13.9.
  • Why should Black babies die at 2-3 times the rate of White babies?
  • Moms2B dedicates its program to eliminating this disparity and to helping all pregnant women deliver healthy babies that live to celebrate their first birthdays.
  • Over the past five years, our Franklin County infant mortality rate declined for all babies; while Cuyahoga and Hamilton Counties did not see comparable improvements as shown below.

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For more information, call 614-292-1605

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