About the Program 

Atway_Said_460x460The Ohio State University is accredited by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education to offer a residency program in podiatric medicine and surgery/reconstruction of the rear foot and ankle. The program is three years in length. We are accredited to accept two residents each year, for a total of six residents.

The Podiatric Residency at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center provides the recent graduate with the opportunity to gather experience in a general podiatric practice and to study advanced and related sciences essential for the practice of podiatric medicine. The teaching program will attempt to demonstrate to the resident a more effective method for improving community foot health and to better prepare the resident for his or her position in the total community health structure.

Program director: Said Atway, DPM

Podiatry Residency

What makes our training programs different

Program Objectives

The Ohio State University Department of Orthopaedics and Division of Foot and Ankle Surgery will educate residents, who, upon completion of the three years of training should exhibit the knowledge and psychomotor skill concerning foot and ankle surgery equal to an orthopaedic surgeon fellowship trained in foot and ankle surgery. The goal of the PGY1 year is to prepare the resident for two years of intensive training in podiatric surgery.

Rotations during the first year include endocrinology, rheumatology, pathology, medical imaging, trauma, anesthesia, vascular surgery, family medicine and podiatric medicine. All rotations are under the guidance of The Ohio State University faculty and will include a large volume of clinical work in each specialty. There will be limited surgical exposure during the PGY1 year.

The PGY2 year is spent exclusively with podiatric faculty at The Ohio State University. A large exposure to the clinical and surgical setting will provide an environment and knowledge base to stimulate academic and research pursuits. The PGY3 year is spent rotating between podiatric and orthopaedic surgeons specializing in foot and ankle. The goal is to maximize knowledge and perfect psychomotor skills.

Residency Resources

Web-based and PDA-based applications are available to podiatric residents for entering their activity and clinical logs, and viewing various calendars. The web-based application may be used instead of, or in conjunction with, the PDA-based application. Data entered in the PDA-based application are synchronized with data in the web-based application.

You can find information about downloading and installing the PDA-based application as well as a user manual for the web-based application on the Podiatry Residency Resource website.

Research Requirements

As part of their educational experience, all residents in the Podiatry Residency are required to perform a clinical or laboratory research project in each of their three training years. In addition, at least one manuscript must be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal no later than April of the PGY3 year, and one project must be presented at the Mallory-Coleman Orthopaedic Research Day prior to completion of the program.

Application and admissions process

Applications and selection of trainees for entry into the program will be through participation in Central Application Service for Podiatric Residencies (CASPR) in accordance with the CPME 320 document guidelines which are the standards, requirements and guidelines for approval of residencies in podiatric medicine. This service, sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM), submits residency applications, letters of reference, official transcripts and personal statements to residency program directors. Please refer to CASPR/CRIP web page for information and instructions.

The program will match two residents into the Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residency with added credentials in reconstructive rearfoot/ankle surgery through the CASPR Match process.

Salaries and Benefits

Benefits provided by Department of Orthopaedics.

The following benefits are provided to limited medical staff (residents and fellows):

  • Three weeks paid vacation
  • One week professional leave with pay for attendance at a national or international conference
  • Reimbursement for attendance at above conference 

View salaries and benefits