In mouse study, black raspberries show promise for reducing skin inflammation
The Department of Anesthesiology is part of The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, and is recognized as one of the nation’s top hospitals by U.S. News & World Report. Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center is undergoing a new $1 billion expansion project that will significantly advance the medical center’s education, research programs and improve patient care.
The Department of Anesthesiology core residency training program provides the opportunity for outstanding clinical Anesthesiology training in a large academic medical center comprised of a Level 1 trauma center, Level 1 bun center, heart, cancer, and brain/spine subspecialty hospitals. We also offer subspecialty training in the full gamut of ACGME and non-ACGME accredited fellowship programs, as well as an innovative specialty training in dental anesthesiology.
With a mission of providing patient-centered, evidenced-based, innovative care, the Department of Anesthesiology led the opening of the first Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) at OSUWMC in 1979. With one of the largest sections in the department, the faculty remains key in the hospital’s critical care medicine services. Anesthesiology-trained intensivists care for patients in the SICU with a diverse population, including post-acute care and trauma surgery, transplant surgery, and a dedicated cancer surgical ICU.
Since 2010, the team has directed care in the 30-bed cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit (CIVCU). The CVICU is the home for our high-volume ECLS/ECMO and end-stage cardiopulmonary failure program, including a growing number of temporary and long-term left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) and heart/lung transplants.
The faculty plays an integral role throughout the medical center and university. Our team actively leads administrative and quality initiatives, including committee chairs and medical directorships. With leadership roles in the College of Medicine and residency/fellowship program, we are committed to providing an exceptional educational experience for medical students, residents and fellows. Faculty members have an emerging role in critical care clinical research, with multiple active studies and a growing national reputation. We are active members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Society of Critical Care Medicine, and American Association of Respiratory Care with faculty serving on key committees throughout these organizations.
David L. Stahl, MD
Director Critical Care
Director for Education
Michael Lyaker, MD
Program Director, Critical Care Fellowship
At Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center, our obstetrical anesthesiologists are involved in the care of patients during vaginal and cesarean deliveries. Other anesthetics are performed for tubal ligations, removal of retained placenta and cerclage for incompetent cervix. We also have expertise in intrauterine fetal surgeries, such as extrauterine intrapartum (EXIT) procedures and twin to twin transfusion syndrome.
Kasey Fiorini, MD
Associate Director, Obstetric Anesthesia
Goran Ristev, MD
Director, Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship Program
Yun Xia, MD
Director, Obstetric Anesthesia
The Pain Medicine division staff’s clinics as part of the Comprehensive Pain Center located at Outpatient Care East, in addition to supporting inpatient acute pain services.
Kristen Noon, MD
Program Director, Pain Medicine Fellowship
Tristan Weaver, MD
Director, Pain Medicine
Provides comprehensive anesthesia services for all oncologic procedures, as well as most postoperative pain management techniques as requested by the operative surgeon.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are highly skilled advanced practice nurses with specialized training in the practice of anesthesia.
Certified Anesthesiologist Assistants (CAAs) are highly skilled advanced practice providers with specialized training in anesthesia as members of a physician anesthesiologist led Anesthesia Care Team.
At OSUWMC, both CRNAs and CAAs work with physician anesthesiologists in the care team model. CRNAs and CAAs work in a wide variety of clinical practice settings at Ohio State and provide high quality anesthesia care throughout the health system.
Charles E. Martin, CRNA
Chief CRNA
Susan Harper, CRNA
Anesthesiologists provide anesthesia during an increasing number of kidney, pancreas, liver and combined transplant procedures at Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center.
Antolin Flores, MD
Director, Liver Transplant Anesthesia
Neurosurgical anesthesia deals with the perioperative management of patients with neurological diseases, or those at risk for neurological injury as a result of surgery. The neuroanesthesiologist is also involved in the management techniques for raised intracranial pressure, barbiturate-induced coma and cerebral vasospasm.
Gurneet Sandhu, MD
Director, Neurosurgical Services
Director, Neuroanesthesia Fellowship Program
Providing anesthesia care for off-site (out of operating room) locations is an increasingly important part of the healthcare delivery system.
Qian Fleming, MD
Director, Off-Site Anesthesia
Providing anesthesiology services at East Hospital.
Peter DeSocio, DO
Director, Clinical Operations at East Hospital
Pain Medicine Services provides care for patients with pain due to cancer or chronic non-cancer conditions. It also manages spasticity of central nervous system etiology.
The OSU Comprehensive Spine Center at CarePoint East provides evaluation and management, invasive procedural and operative surgical services for patients who are experiencing pain due to spinal and non-spinal conditions or who are experiencing muscle spasticity due to central nervous system injury or diseases.
Tristan Weaver, MD
Director, Pain Management
Patients who are recovering from anesthesia after surgery receive care in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) or recovery room.
The Division of Regional Anesthesiology plays an integral role in the management of acute pain related to surgery. Our regional anesthesiologists work at multiple sites within the health system and perform numerous nerve-blocking procedures to help with pain control.
Shana Schwartz, MD
Director, Regional Anesthesiology Fellowship Program