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Our logo is the most simple visual expression and primary identifier of Ohio State.
The Ohio State University is a special place — a large, multifaceted institution with countless elements that together make up our One University. Having many dynamic moving parts requires coordination to move in the same direction. To move from excellence to eminence as we intend, we must amplify our efforts as One University as never before. This is why our brand is important.
You will need to log in using your last name.# to access the DAM. If you are an Ohio State University Physicians (OSUP) employee, email websupport@osu.edu to request access to the DAM.
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center logo anchors our entire visual identity system. It must be used on all medical center communications, and its effectiveness relies on consistent presentation.
There are two approved configurations of the logo. The horizontal logo is the preferred version.
After downloading the logo zip file from the Digital Asset Management (DAM) tool, you will notice several versions.
We recommend the following:
For web purposes, use RGB (jpeg, png, svg).
For print purposes, use CMYK or Pantone versions.
EPS version are vector files in one color, two color and four color formats. ‘Rev’ stands for reversed.
“Clear space” is the protected area around the logo that maximizes its impact. This space must be kept free of all other graphics and text, including other logos. It is also the minimum distance the logo can be from the edges of an electronic document or printed piece. The minimum required amount of clear space is defined by the width of the Block O.
Logos must not be altered in any way and additional configurations are not permitted. Do not recreate the logo. Download logos below or email brand@osumc.edu to request logo files.
Merch-only logos® should be used on ALL branded swag and promotional items. The merchandise-only logos have been optimized to work across all production methods — print, embossment, embroidery, etc. All embroidery-only logos have been retired.
For rules and guidelines on using our logo on promotional items, merchandise, swag and apparel, visit our promotional items page.