Style Guide
The Wexner Medical Center style manual is our guide to how we should use specific language to provide a consistent way to represent our brand and project an aligned image to the public. In the manual you will find spelling, naming, and word usage including approved boilerplate wording for internal and external use for leader titles, academic degrees, facility names, clinical programs, etc. as well as how we should refer to our organization or our facilities in the first, second, and third references within a document.
Words matter. It’s just that simple.
What we say and how we say it builds credibility and trust when we communicate in a way that sounds distinct, recognizable and authentic to Ohio State.
Ohio State University AP Style Guide
The Ohio State University AP stylebook is an online, updated reference library for definitions applicable to the university.
View the Ohio State AP Style Guide
Business/Academic Unit Summary Descriptions
Approved boilerplate wording for internal and external use.
Updated August 2024.
View the Wexner Medical Center summary descriptions
If you have questions, email our brand team at