What is HUB?
HealthBeat HUB is a digital platform that connects you with valuable resources and news, essential tools and the most important stories of the day. Follow topics and channels based on your interests or role at the medical center, post and respond to your colleagues, all at the touch of your fingers.

How do I access HUB?
You can visit HUB on a web browser here: onfirstup.com/ohiostate/ohiostate/
Log in using SSO (single sign on) with your medical center user ID followed by @osumc.edu (for example, Buck13@osumc.edu).
Download the official HealthBeat HUB mobile app to stay connected wherever you are.

How do I download the app?
It's quick and easy; simply choose one of four ways to download the app:
- Link directly to our app page in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store
- Visit the App Store or Google Play Store and search "HealthBeat HUB"
- Scan the QR code
- Text “HUB” to 45411
Once you've downloaded the app, log in using SSO (single sign on) with your medical center user ID followed by @osumc.edu (for example, Buck13@osumc.edu).
Meet HUBbert and HUBberta
Learn more about HealthBeat HUB including the mobile app.
How do I share content?
Sharing tips for creating great posts.
HealthBeat HUB is a communications platform designed to inform, inspire and spur advocacy of our mission. All posts and comments represent our organization and how we live our value of inclusiveness.
Here are some tips for creating great posts.
Create posts that:
- Recognize and value colleagues
- Announce new hires and promotions
- Celebrate patient experience and outcomes successes
- Share updates that impact how to do your job
- Are professional and kind
- Use basic etiquette
- Promote Ohio State hosted or sponsored events (do not promote non-OSU events)
- Include photos with your co-workers
Post your stories on the most relevant topic:
- News and information for all faculty and staff = Medical Center in the Know
- Recognitions and good news = A Day in the Life
We want to remind you that posts must:
- Not contain patient health information in written content or images (e.g., computer screen, patients in background)
- Not use hate speech, profanity, derogatory terms or other obscenities
As a social platform, HealthBeat HUB falls within the Social Media policy. Conduct that is a violation of a Wexner Medical Center or University policy also applies to online posts/comments. We encourage you to express your opinions and ideas, but please remember that you represent Ohio State, so you may not violate medical center and University policies or negatively impact Wexner Medical Center business operations.
The Marketing, Communications and Digital Team reserves the right to not approve and/or remove inappropriate posts and comments.
Tip Sheet - How to Create Posts on HUB (PDF)