About the Council of Academic Healthcare Researchers and Experts (CAHRE)
The Council of Academic Healthcare Researchers and Experts (CAHRE) is a collaboration between the Journal for Healthcare Management and CATALYST at The Ohio State University. The council is composed of select fellows of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) and nationally recognized health services researchers and implementation scientists who are asked biweekly to weigh in on major health care issues.The panel was chosen to represent a balance of practitioners and researchers, including senior and junior thought leaders, in a manner that ensures geographic diversity. The voices of participating FACHE include leaders from hospitals in both urban and rural settings and include safety net hospitals all the way through large integrated systems of care. Faculty at some of the highest-ranked programs in health care, public health, public policy, health services research and implementation science have joined this collaboration. Among them are past and current editors of the leading journals in these fields.
Council members are emailed a questionnaire once every two weeks and each responds electronically at his or her convenience. Panelists may consult whatever resources they like before answering. Fellows of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) are free to suggest questions. The editors of the Journal for Healthcare Management are responsible crafting the final version of each week’s question.
Voting among the council has been based on the IGM Economic Experts Panel, a group of economists who weigh in on issues affecting the economy. Notably, in some cases, a member may neither agree nor disagree with a statement, and there can be two very different reasons for this. One reason may be that the researcher or executive is an expert on a topic and yet sees the evidence on the exact claim at hand as ambiguous. In such cases, members are urged to vote “uncertain.” In contrast, a member may not feel qualified to render an opinion, and in those cases, members vote “no opinion.” Members may also choose to “abstain” from a vote, however a member may not abstain for more than two successive votes.
The panel data are copyrighted by the Journal for Healthcare Management.