Advances in Health Care Management announces call for papers for Volume 20: 'The Contributions of Health Care Management to Grand Health Care Challenges'
Published August 7, 2020
Deadline for manuscript submission:
November 15, 2020
Volume Editors:
Jennifer L. Hefner, PhD, MPH, Ohio State University, hefner.48@osu.edu
Ingrid M. Nembhard, PhD, MS, University of Pennsylvania, ingridn@wharton.upenn.edu
Series Editor:
Timothy R. Huerta, PhD, The Ohio State University, timothy.huerta@osumc.edu
Call for papers:
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for Volume 20 of Advances in Health Care Management, an annual research series published by Emerald Publishing Group. This volume will be an exploration of how the field of health care management contributes to our understanding of grand health care challenges. “Grand health care challenges” can include current events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, or ongoing challenges related to one or all dimensions of the quadruple aim: higher quality care at lower cost with improved patient and clinician satisfaction. These ongoing challenges are amenable to organizational and managerial solutions, and the field of health care management has many important lessons to contribute.
For this volume, we define health care management as the planning, direction, and coordination of health services and the management of health care professionals. We are interested in the role of management from the top executive to the front-line managers. Within this management domain, we are looking for empirical studies, literature reviews, conceptual frameworks, case explorations, and discussions of policies and implications. The goal of this issue is to synthesize current information in the field, direct future research efforts, and generate actionable insights for managers and policymakers.
Accepted at go.osu.edu/advances on a rolling basis until November 15, 2020. This website includes manuscript formatting instructions. Contact the editorial team if you have questions.
Peer review:
Advances is using a peer review model leveraging the expertise of interested participants in improving the quality of research in this domain. As a result, prospective authors should expect to peer review other submissions for this edition.
Key dates:
• November 15, 2020: Last day for manuscripts submissions via the online portal, go.osu.edu/advances
• January 15, 2021: Reviews returned to authors
• February 15, 2021: Revised final manuscripts due
• March 15, 2021: Final decisions
• August 15, 2021: AHCM Volume 20 published by Emerald