Nationwide Childrens MedTAPP

Dates and times of The Ohio State University Medicaid Equity Simulations

VR-ED 1Several virtual reality-based simulations are offered by The Ohio State University in partnership with the Ohio Department of Medicaid and the Ohio Colleges of Medicine Government Resource Center. The simulations aim to train clinicians to better engage with patients with health disparities.  

If you would like to join one of the sessions, please RSVP using the link next to the selected session(s), either in the session description section or the calendar section. If you would like to inquire more about the projects or scheduling a session, email us at

Access to Dental Care for Immigrant Families

MPATHI 2In this virtual reality simulation developed for the Dental Care for Immigrants project, the user assumes the role of a parent obtaining dental care for a child in a Spanish-speaking country, thereby experiencing some of the challenges immigrant families face in obtaining health care in a foreign country; these challenges can include things such as language and cultural barriers, limited health literacy, and poor understanding of the health care system. The simulation also includes virtual discussion to highlight the effect on the patients and provides guidance on communication techniques. The VR simulation consists of both virtual scenes and 360-degree video recording with interactive components to further engage users.

Would you like to schedule a session? Contact us here

Empathy in Dementia Patient Care

VR-ED 2The VR Experience of Dementia system (VR-ED) developed at Ohio State’s Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD) enables immersive scenario-based enactments in VR. VR-ED highlights the effects of short-term memory loss as well as time and place disorientation, which are common dementia symptoms that are difficult to simulate through other forms of dementia care training. The experience provides an experiential insight into the behavior of people living with dementia, engaging practitioners in perspective-taking training to build empathy for patients living with dementia and their caretakers.

Date Time Location RSVP
March 25, 2020 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. Biomedical Research Tower Room 105 RSVP
June 10, 2020 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Clinical Skills Education and Assessment Center RSVP

Simulated Patient with Limited English Proficiency

LEP simulationThis simulation trains learners to interact with patients with limited English proficiency (LEP). The session begins with a brief e-learning module on interpretive services and cultural competency. Next, learners conduct a virtual healthcare visit with an LEP patient in either a VR simulation with a headset or via an iPad-based application. 

Rolling sessions; walk-ins are welcome

Date Time Location RSVP
March 2, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 3, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 5, 2020 10 to 11 a.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 6, 2020 10 to 11 a.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 16, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 17, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 19, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 20, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 23, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 24, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 26, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 27, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 30, 2020 1 to 2 p.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP
March 31, 2020 10 to 11 a.m. Graves Hall Room 3187 RSVP


VARIAT 1VARIAT is an app that can be installed on a mobile smart device (such as a smartphone or tablet) to bring the training to the learners in a portable and accessible fashion. VARIAT aims to improve awareness of implicit biases among Medicaid providers, to educate them on how these biases and other social determinants of health may lead to inequitable care, and to offer strategies and resources that may minimize health disparities.

The game consists of two distinct but interconnected modules that focus on implicit biases toward sexual orientation and gender identity, race, and socio-economic status within a medical setting. Learners enter an augmented reality-based interactive role-playing game, in which they encounter a series of patient case-based simulation scenarios. Each scenario takes approximately five to 10 minutes to complete, followed by a guided debriefing of their experience that uses multiple choice and true/false knowledge questions to add interactivity and further motivate the user.

VARIAT provides examples of tools for evaluating barriers to health equity and community resources that the participant may be able to utilize in their own practice. References to published evidence are included so the participant may continue to educate themselves. To download the VARIAT app on your smartphone, search for "VARIAT Sim" on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


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