What is BroadBand Light therapy?

BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy, or BBL laser treatment, is a light-based technology used to treat damaged areas on the outer surface of the skin, such as sun damage, age spots and discolored areas of the face, neck, chest and other parts of the body. At The Ohio State University Wexner Medical in Columbus, Ohio, our team of Med Spa aesthetic experts offer trusted expertise using BBL to rejuvenate the skin’s surface.

BBL is a newer light-based treatment, similar to laser technology, that harnesses broad-spectrum light directed through interchangeable filters. Our team, including doctors and nurse practitioners, uses a handheld BBL device to customize the strength and precision, adjusting heat levels depending on the condition of skin in the area to be treated.

During BBL, you'll feel warmth with minimal discomfort as BroadBand Light is absorbed by your skin. This stimulates skin cells to generate collagen — a fibrous protein building-block in skin and connective tissue. As new collagen grows, it improves skin’s tone and texture, reduces discoloration and evens out skin color.

We may suggest BBL therapy alone or as part of a larger care plan with other aesthetic procedures.

Our Med Spa team of experts encompasses multiple departments, including Dermatology; Facial Plastic Surgery (Ear, Nose and Throat); Oculofacial Plastic Surgery (eyelid care); and Plastic Surgery. Not all departments may offer specific laser therapies, including BBL. Contact your doctor’s office to ensure the availability of BBL.

Schedule your appointment in MyChart or call a provider listed below.

Why is BroadBand Light therapy done?

Over the years, sun exposure, environmental pollution and aging can cause visible skin damage. Genetics, diet and lifestyle habits can also affect your skin’s condition. You may start to notice unwelcome spots, blotches and blemishes or other changes in your skin’s appearance and texture.

At Ohio State, we can use BBL therapy to treat:

  • Age spots, sunspots and freckles
  • Dark brown or red patches and discoloration
  • Acne or other mild scarring
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Spider veins, broken capillaries and other vascular lesions
  • Rough, uneven skin texture

BBL treatments are most effective for lighter complexions. Your doctor will evaluate your skin to see whether this or other cosmetic procedures are right for you.

Preparing for BBL laser treatment

Your doctor and care team will give you individualized instructions to prepare for BroadBand Light therapy. Although the practitioner will clean and prepare your skin, you’ll need to remove makeup or other skin products and clean your skin as directed prior to your appointment.

Beforehand, your doctor may advise you to:

  • Avoid certain skin care products
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure
  • Use sunscreen and wear protective clothing if you’re out in the sun

What to expect if you have BBL laser treatment

Depending on your skin condition, areas to be treated and other goals, your doctor may recommend a series of BBL treatments to get the results you want. Most BBL procedures are done at one of our outpatient care clinics in Columbus, Ohio, or surrounding area. There is little to no discomfort or down time.

During BroadBand Light laser treatment:

  • You’ll wear protective eyewear.
  • You may notice harmless flashes of light and feel a warm sensation as your doctor moves the device over treated areas of skin. Those who’ve had BBL describe the sensation as similar to the mild snapping of a rubber band.
  • For your comfort, the practitioner can use a topical cream to numb the skin in treated areas.

Recovery from BBL therapy

Your treated skin may be pink look mildly sunburned. This can last two to four hours after your treatment. You may notice some bruising or swelling, especially in sensitive areas around the eyes. This typically subsides within three to five days.

If you’ve had small blood vessels (capillaries) treated, you may notice some bruising there. Your doctor can recommend ways to ease any related discomfort with a cool compress or over-the-counter pain reliever.

Darker spots and areas treated may become darker for a few days after your treatment. To avoid scarring, don’t try to remove them. They’ll shed off naturally within the next week or two.

You should be able to apply makeup or other skin products according to normal routines. In most cases, you can return to regular daily activities as soon as your office procedure is complete.

Your skin will be sensitive to sunlight for a week or two after treatment. To protect your skin, it’s important to use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Your doctor will advise you which products to avoid, including abrasive products such as retinol or glycolic acid. The doctor will recommend appropriate, quality skin care products for your skin type and condition.

When will you see results?

You’ll notice smoother, more evenly textured skin within two weeks. After a year, you may want to have touch-up sessions to maintain the results you desire. If you’re having multiple treatments, you’ll need to wait several weeks before having a follow-up BBL therapy session.

For ideal long-term results, it’s important to use high-quality skin care products and protect your skin from excessive sun and other environmental stressors. Regular exercise and adequate nutrition can also help keep your skin looking its best.

What are the risks of BBL therapy?

BBL therapy is not recommended for either naturally dark or artificially tanned skin, which has more light-absorbing melanin. This can increase the risk of burning, hypopigmentation (areas of skin that are lighter than surrounding skin), hyperpigmentation (darkened areas) and scarring.

Risks vary depending on the areas and types of problems to be treated, the condition of your skin and other factors.

Possible risks include:

  • Blisters
  • Burns
  • Hair loss in treated area
  • Persistent inflammation
  • Redness and swelling
  • Scarring
  • Uneven skin tones

Ohio State takes measures to reduce risks, and your procedure is performed by experienced medical experts.

Why choose Ohio State for BBL laser treatment?

At the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, our experienced, highly trained specialists are medical experts who focus on cosmetic procedures and advanced care for the skin and body. You’re assured of comprehensive care at a nationally recognized health center. That includes academic and research leadership who provide access to safe, evidence-based light therapies and other innovations.


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