Creating an environment that connects each person to the opportunities and support they need requires planning based on data-driven information, transparent goals, dedicated leadership and individual accountability.

Our intent is to create:

  • Inclusive policies
  • Inclusive workplaces
  • Inclusive language
  • Inclusive research
  • Inclusive care

To foster this transformation, we have developed a multi-year Roadmap for Health Equity that holds us accountable for our stated commitment, individual fiscal year activities and honest evaluation.

Although the Office of Health Equity is the primary steward of this roadmap, every member of the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center – including faculty, staff and learners – plays an important role in our eventual success.

Our Ambition

Through our actions and partnerships, we will co-create an inclusive and equitable environment for those who work here, learn here, engage with us for care and live in the communities we serve.


Foster a culture of inclusiveness, belonging, and empathy among the people who work here, learn here, and engage with us for care.

At all levels and across faculty, staff and learners:

  • Reflect the communities we serve.
  • Reduce reports of racism, bias and discrimination.


Deliver inclusive, respectful health care services of the highest possible quality so patients have longer, more fulfilling lives.

Our accountability measures include:

  • Improve collection of patient data on race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, gender identity and ability status, as required by regulatory agencies.
  • Increased proportion of patients screened and referred for health-related social needs (including food insecurity, income, housing, education, transportation and access to health care).
  • Reduced disparities in 30-day readmission rates, length of stay, quality/safety outcomes and satisfaction rates.
  • Increase access to cancer screening services by creating new programs for colorectal cancer screening.
  • Decrease variation in patient satisfaction rates.


Co-create solutions with people and organizations in the communities we serve to advance health equity.

Our accountability measures include:

  • Create an inventory of community engagement activities and resources.
  • Improved number of faculty, staff and learners trained in community engagement.
  • Increase number and quality of solutions that are co-created and scaled with community per year.


Create, evaluate and share solutions to transform the quality and inclusiveness of health care services and change the conditions that create inequities.

Our accountability measures include:

  • Increased number of health equity research submissions, awards and publications.
  • More health equity research funding.
  • Greater diversity of researchers and research participants.


Champion improvements in the conditions that create systemic disadvantage and inequitable health outcomes through advocacy, programs and policy initiatives.

Our accountability measures include:

  • Elevated health equity rankings and increased number of related awards.
  • Increased supplier diversity.
  • Increase accessibility of physical and virtual spaces.

Learn more about Health Equity at Ohio State

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