Psychology Professor, Internal Medicine Professor
Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research
Department of Psychology
Food Innovation Center

145 Psychology Building
1835 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-688-3061, 614-688-3895 (lab)
Fax: 614-688-8261

Research Lab: Cardiopulmonary Behavioral Medicine Laboratory

General Research: Dr. Emery's research studies the behavioral influences on age-related and disease-related changes in cardiopulmonary endurance, cognitive functioning and psychological well-being. In his laboratory, they've focused on older adults with chronic illness to examine illness-related exacerbations of age-related changes. In his primary line of research, studies have evaluated psychological and cognitive factors associated with exercise among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the fourth most common cause of death in the United States. In a secondary line of research, they've examined sex differences in adaptation to chronic illness. Broadly, his program of research addresses psychological and behavioral adaptations to chronic illness. Thus, more recent research has evaluated outcomes in two additional patient groups: coronary artery disease (CAD) and breast cancer. 

In addition, recent studies have examined mechanisms by which behavioral change (e.g., exercise, diet) may influence both cardiovascular reactivity among healthy middle-aged adults and medical outcomes among healthy older adults. The conceptual model driving this program of research evolved from studies in the gerontological literature documenting age-related declines in physiological function and cognitive function, increases in psychological distress, diminished opportunities for social engagement and reduced availability of recreational resources. Aging, per se, is associated with increased risk of chronic illness as well as with impairments in physiological function and cognitive function in the absence of chronic illness. 

Thus, exercise activity plays a pivotal role in the conceptual model as a behavior that may influence a wide range of functions among middle-aged and older adults, with significant influence on cardiopulmonary endurance, psychological well-being and brain function. The model includes both direct and indirect influences of exercise and age on cognitive function.

Research Interests:

  • Psychological factors associated with weight management
  • Behavioral interventions for weight management
  • Exercise interventions
  • Psychological adaptation to chronic health conditions

Current Research: We are currently conducting several different research studies addressing psychophysiological factors in chronic illness, psychological and cognitive outcomes of physical exercise and coping processes in chronic disease.

Selected Publications:

Emery, C.F., Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K., Glaser, R., Malarkey, W.B., Frid, D.J. (2005).  Exercise accelerates wound healing among healthy older adults, Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 60A, 1432-1436.

Emery, C.F., Fondow, M.D.M., Schneider, C.M., Christofi, F.L., Hunt, C., Busby, A.K., Needleman, B.J., Melvin, W.S., Elsayed-Awad, H.M. (2007).  Gastric bypass surgery is associated with reduced inflammation and less depression: A preliminary investigation. Obesity Surgery, 17, 763-767.

Emery, C.F., France, C.R., Harris, J., Norman, G., VanArsdalen, C.R. (2008). Effects of progressive muscle relaxation training on nociceptive flexion reflex threshold in healthy young adults: A randomized trial.  Pain, 138, 375-379.

Emery, C.F., Green, M.R., Suh, S. (2008). Neuropsychiatric function in chronic lung disease: The role of pulmonary rehabilitation. Respiratory Care, 53, 1208-1216.

Emery, C.F., Yang, H.-C., Frierson, G.M., Peterson, L.J., Suh, S. (2009). Determinants of physical activity among women treated for breast cancer in a 5-year longitudinal follow up investigation. Psycho-oncology, 18, 377-386.

Kozora, E., Emery, C.F., Zhang, L., Make, B. (2010). Improved neurobehavioral functioning in emphysema patients following medical therapy. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 30, 251-259.

Emery, C.F., Finkel, D.G., & Pedersen, N.L. (2012). Pulmonary function as a cause of cognitive aging. Psychological Science, 23, 1024-1032.

Suh, S., Ellis, R.J., Sollers, J.J., Thayer, J.F., Emery, C.F. (2013). The effect of anxiety on heart rate variability, depression, and sleep in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 74, 407-413.

Anderson, D.R., & Emery, C.F. (2014). Irrational health beliefs predict adherence to cardiac rehabilitation. Health Psychology, 33, 1614-1617.

Blumenthal, J.A., Emery, C.F., Smith, P.J., Keefe, F.J., Welty-Wolf, K., Mabe, S., Martinu, T., Johnson, J.J., Babyak, M.A., O’Hayer, V.F., Diaz, P.T., Baucom, D., Palmer, S.M. for the INSPIRE-II Investigators. (2014). The use of a telehealth intervention to improve coping with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Primary results from the INSPIRE-II study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 76, 581-592. 

Oliver, K.N., Free, M.L., Bok, C., McCoy, K.S., Lemanek, K.L., Emery, C.F. (2014). Stigma and optimism in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 13, 737-744.
Emery, C.F., Olson, K.L., Lee, V.S., Habash, D.L., Nasar, J.L., Bodine, A. (2015). Home environment and psychosocial predictors of obesity status among community-residing men and women. International Journal of Obesity, 39, 1401-1407.
Olson, K.L., & Emery C.F. (2015). Mindfulness and weight loss: A systematic review. Psychosomatic Medicine, 77, 59-67. 

Blumenthal, J.A., Smith, P.J., Durheim, M., Mabe, S., Emery, C.F., Martinu, T., Diaz, P.T., Babyak, M., Welty-Wolf, K., Palmer, S. (2016). Biobehavioral prognostic factors in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Results from the INSPIRE-II trial. Psychosomatic Medicine, 78, 153-162.

Emery, C.F., Olson, K.L., Bodine, A., Lee, V.S., Habash, D.L. (2017). Dietary intake mediates the relationship of body fat to pain. Pain,158, 273-277.

PubMed articles

Research Staff:
Pre-doctoral Trainees:
Kristie Harris, MS
Jacob Landers, MA
Steve Schiele, BA
Jocelyn Shoemake, MPH

Undergraduate Students:
Samantha Goode
Annie Gordon
Nicole Santos

AM: Clinical Psychology, University of Southern California
PhD: Clinical Psychology, University of Southern California

Postgraduate Training:
Fellowship: Aging and Adult Development, Duke University Medical Center
Internship: Clinical Psychology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

Editorial Board Activities:

  • Annals of Behavioral Medicine
  • Heart & Lung
  • Journal of Behavioral Medicine
  • Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention


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