While pain is a universal experience, it affects each person differently. Pain isn’t just isolated to the affected person – it impacts families, communities and health care systems. Here are a few additional resources that you may find helpful in learning more about your chronic pain condition.

Women and Pain

The list below includes the often neglected and poorly understood health conditions that solely or disproportionally affect women:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Interstitial Cystitis (Painful Bladder Syndrome)
  • Temporomandibular (TMJ) Disorders
  • Vulvodynia

If any of these conditions affect you, please talk to your PRE:VAIL provider.


Military veterans are at an increased risk of experiencing chronic pain. PRE:VAIL providers address the unique experiences of veterans, and we can provide additional treatment or community-based resources. Additional support can be found at our Military Medicine Program as well as Columbus Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Center.

Opioid Addiction and Tapering

If you’re struggling with chronic pain management and would like to discuss options regarding your use of opioids as a coping mechanism, we can help. We’ll assess your situation and provide appropriate non-opioid pain medications.

If the use of opioids has become a problem for you, we’ll also help connect you to our addiction medicine team to taper and discontinue these, while continuing to assist you with pain management therapies.

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