WEXMED Live Videos
The most recent WEXMED Live event took place on December 6, 2023 at The Ohio State University’s new Energy Advancement and Innovation Center. The event featured leaders Carol R. Bradford, MD, MS, FACS, Peter J. Mohler, PhD, and John J. Warner, MD. Sumithira Vasu, MD, MBBS, and Jodi Ford, PhD, RN, FAAN were the evening's faculty presenters. Please enjoy videos of the event below.
Dean Bradford welcomes you to WEXMED Live
Carol Bradford, MD, MS, FACS, dean of The Ohio State University College of Medicine, welcomes donors and attendees to the December 2023 WEXMED Live at the new Energy Advancement and Innovation Center in Carmentown.
Point-of-care manufacturing of CAR-T therapies
Sumithira Vasu, MD, MBBS, medical director of the Stem Cell Therapy Lab, shares exciting developments in CAR T-cell therapies to fight blood cancer and discusses efforts to lower the cost of CAR T-cell manufacturing happening at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute.
Addressing youth mental health and wellbeing
Jodi Ford, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor at The Ohio State University College of Nursing, examines the effects of adverse childhood experiences, such as violence, poverty and racism, on youth mental health and the potential to prevent or lessen those outcomes.
The Future of Biomedical Research at Ohio State and Beyond
John J. Warner, chief executive officer of The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and executive vice president at Ohio State, and Peter J. Mohler, who recently served as Ohio State’s acting president and continues as executive vice president of research, innovation and knowledge, provide insights into biomedical research trends.
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The Wexner Medical Center Development Office
c/o The Ohio State University Foundation
P.O. Box 736096
Chicago, IL 60673-6096