President Biden makes historic Ohio State Wexner Medical Center visit

Marking a health care milestone
In early 2021, President Joe Biden became the first sitting U.S. president to visit The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. His March 23 visit to The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute marked the 11-year anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act, the landmark health reform legislation signed into law when Biden was vice president.
Biden toured Ohio State's Department of Radiation Oncology, which was funded in part by a $100 million ACA grant in 2010, and spoke of advancements in cancer treatment as well as expanded access to health care made possible by the ACA and his American Rescue Plan coronavirus relief package. Dr. Arnab Chakravarti, chair of Ohio State's radiation oncology department, guided Biden through his tour and shared the advancements that ACA funding made possible.
“For him to come to Ohio State to celebrate that monumental event was very, very meaningful — not just for faculty and staff but for our patient population as well," Chakravarti said. "I heard from our patients who were touched that he would go that extra mile.”