Whether you're coming for a same-day procedure, test or visit, or for a longer stay, thank you for choosing The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. You will be cared for by some of the nation's finest specialists. The following information will help you better prepare for your experience at one of our hospitals or outpatient locations.


We offer pre-registration for inpatient and outpatient stays and procedures. The process takes about 10 minutes and should be completed no more than 30 days prior to your expected arrival. There are two ways you can pre-register:

  • Contact pre-registration at 614-293-8200 or at 1-866-312-7846 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • Through your MyChart account. Learn about MyChart or log in
  • Access MyChart anytime through the Ohio State MyHealth mobile app.

Have this information on hand when you pre-register:

  • Your driver’s license or state-issued identification 
  • Insurance card  
  • Emergency contact information  
  • The name and address of the provider who is referring you  
  • Appointment date and time 
  • Method of payment 

Surgery reminders

Expect to be notified by 1 p.m. the day before surgery to tell you when to arrive to your surgery location. If you are not notified by 1 p.m. the day before your surgery, call your surgery location. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, your surgery may be delayed or canceled. If you need to cancel or reschedule your surgery, call your surgery location by 1 p.m. on the day prior to your scheduled surgery. To cancel or reschedule a Monday appointment, call by 1 p.m. on Friday.

What to bring to your visit

For your first visit with Ohio State, arrive early and be sure to bring the following to your appointment:

  • Names, addresses and phone numbers of doctors who are treating you or have referred you and reports of recent tests or treatments
  • Information about significant health events and any medication allergies you may have. If you have MyChart, it will contain much of this information. If you do not have MyChart, ask your Ohio State health care provider how you can create this health information account
  • Family health history

For every visit, including surgeries, be sure to bring these items:

  • Driver’s license or state-issued identification
  • Insurance card
  • Payment (if applicable) in the form of cash, check or credit card
  • A list of prescription medications, vitamins and supplements with doses and times taken

If you are having surgery, bring cases for dentures, glasses and hearing aids, if applicable.  If you will be discharged the same day as surgery, you are required to have a responsible adult (over 18). This person needs to drive you to your procedure, stay during your procedure, listen to discharge instructions and drive you home. Using public transportation (taxi, bus, transportation service or insurance provided transportation) still requires you to have an adult, other than the transportation driver, to monitor your condition.

What to leave at home

  • Leave valuable personal belongings at home, except for your insurance card, photo ID and payment (if required).
  • Remove all jewelry, including your wedding ring and all body piercings. 

Skin preparation for surgery

Follow presurgery instruction on medicines, supplements and cleaning the skin as directed. If instructed, shower with the CHG soap the night before your surgery and again the morning of your surgery as directed. Do not put anything on your skin, hair or nails, including makeup and nail polish.

Some procedures may have additional helpful instructions provided during your pre-surgery appointment, or available online. Use the search box above or browse our Health Care Services page for procedure-specific information.

Participate in your care

During your visit or stay, your safety and comfort is important to us. Please help us by:

  • Asking questions and participating in conversations about your care
  • Notifying your nurse if you have pain or discomfort
  • Using your call button before you get out of bed or if you need anything
  • Telling us all the medicines you take
  • Not taking any medicines you brought from home
  • Telling us about any allergies you have to medicines or food
  • Washing your hands often
  • Remaining on your unit
  • Wearing your ID bracelet
  • Supporting our tobacco-free environment
  • Understanding your rights and responsibilities

For admitted patients, MyChart Bedside is a tablet-based application that gives you and your family a more active way to participate in your stay. MyChart Bedside is available in many areas of the medical center and allows you to:

  • access, review and learn about your current health concerns and medications and see your most recent vital signs
  • access educational materials and learn more about your conditions
  • use the tablet for education and entertainment through the internet
  • order your meals using Order My Meals

Stay in touch

Caring Bridge enables patients to stay connected with family and friends before, during and after your hospital stay. This free website allows patients to update everyone all at once, collect supporting messages and share photos.

Preparing for your discharge

Recovery times vary from person to person. In many cases, you should expect to have some level of pain. You may receive one or more prescriptions based on your specific procedure and health status, ideally balancing pain relief with minimization of duration, use and complications. Here are few tips to make the discharge process run smoothly:

  • Be sure you or your caregiver has spoken with a member of the care team and that you understand what services you may need after leaving the hospital
  • Verify your discharge date and time with your nurse or doctor
  • Have someone available to take you home
  • Make sure you or your caregiver has all needed paperwork and information for billing, referrals, prescriptions, medical equipment, therapy or follow up appointments
  • Review the medicines you are to take at home with your doctor or nurse before you leave
  • Make sure you or your caregiver knows who to call if you have a problem or concern about your care
  • Consider or plan for physical therapy, cold therapy or meditation to aid in your recovery at home

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