Outpatient Rehabilitation Assistive Technology at Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center provides customized assistance for people with physical, cognitive or sensory disabilities. Our goal is to help each person regain function and achieve a higher level of independence at home, work, school and play through the improved use of technologies.

We specialize in helping people use these assistive devices, which are customized to meet each individual’s needs:

  • Wheelchairs
  • Scooters
  • Specialized computer equipment
  • Communication devices
  • Vehicles with modifications
  • Smart technology

Our Patients

Ohio State is a leader in the field of assistive technology. Patients often come to Ohio State for assistive technology services related to these conditions:

Why choose The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center? 

Patients from across the Midwest choose Ohio State’s Assistive Technology Services for help regaining function and independence. Here’s why:

Personalized Care: Our team of specialists excels at assessing and recommending customized, assistive devices for each patient. You will receive a personal evaluation that helps create an individualized care plan to meet your needs and lead you toward your health goals.

Unique Services: Our patients benefit from our relationships with top assistive technology manufacturers, who turn to us to test and evaluate their new products.

Certified Excellence: Ohio State’s assistive technology professionals are certified in specialty areas of practice related to their profession. Our staff are certified by the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA). This certification assures the highest quality and clinical standards for our patients. We also have five certified Assistive Technology Professionals (ATP) – the most ATP-certified staff of any program in the region.

Accredited Care: We are proud that our Inpatient Rehabilitation Programs at Dodd Hall and our Outpatient Medical Rehabilitation Programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). CARF recognized our programs as meeting the highest standards in quality, safety and outcome measures, which provide risk-reduction and accountability in our patient care.

Nation’s Best: Ohio State’s rehabilitation program consistently ranks among the best in the nation. As an academic medical center, Ohio State offers comprehensive medical expertise, the most advanced technologies and treatment techniques, and innovative care backed by research knowledge. 

Convenience: Our 5,000-square-foot facility is dedicated specifically to assistive technology services for patients, including individualized evaluation, equipment trial and training.

Our Services

Our Services

Our Assistive Technology Services offer rehabilitation services to help you at each phase of your rehabilitation — from services offered in the hospital (known as inpatient services) — to those offered after returning home (known as outpatient services). These services help you achieve your highest level of recovery.

Following your physician's referral, you are evaluated and we design a personalized program for you that may include:

Augmentative and Alternative Communications (AAC)This refers to communication methods beyond verbal speech that can help those with communication impairments express their thoughts, needs, wants and ideas.  AAC can either supplement speech or replace speech entirely, depending on the person’s needs.

Computer Access – Special technologies, like modified keyboards or hands-free systems that you control with your head or voice, give you full computer access for greater independence and improved communication.

Occupational Therapy Driving Evaluation and Training Our Rehabilitation Driving Program evaluates a person's current driving abilities, assesses driving potential, recommends vehicle modifications and provides driver training that enables an individual with a medical condition to be a safe and independent driver. Our services include clinical evaluations, simulator training and on-road evaluations and training. For individuals with progressive medical conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease, we offer driver retirement planning resources.

Electronic Aids to Daily Living (EADL) – These special technologies help you perform daily tasks despite limited mobility. EADLs give you more control over your environment by helping you turn on a TV, use the phone or open a door with a switch, a keypad or your voice.

Wheelchair Seating and MobilityWheelchairs can assist with your ability to access your home, work and community. Positioning and cushion evaluations help with comfort and protection in manual wheelchair and power wheelchair seating. We assess your needs and work with our accredited wheelchair suppliers to provide you with the most appropriate equipment and mobility skills training.

Workplace Accommodations/Ergonomics – Basic tools or adjustments can adapt your work environment to your capabilities. For example, proper ergonomics (designing the workplace environment to fit the user) at a computer or workstation can help reduce joint strain, pain and fatigue, and increase endurance, making you more productive.



Our Locations

Assistive Technology

in Martha Morehouse Outpatient Care
2050 Kenny Road
Pavilion 3rd Floor Suite 3300
Columbus, OH 43221

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