Ohio State urologists can help diagnose and treat men with low testosterone. Testosterone is a sex hormone that is important in male reproduction, health, and well-being.

Low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism or “low T,” is a disorder where the testosterone levels are below normal. Symptoms of low testosterone include decreased libido or sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, decreased muscle mass. Low testosterone can be associated with steroid use, HIV, end stage kidney disease, and diabetes, but can also occur in men who do not have these problems.


Diagnosis of low testosterone involves taking a medical history, physical exam, and laboratory work. Your doctor may need to repeat blood work more than once to confirm the diagnosis.


Treatment options for testosterone replacement options include topical gels, transdermal patches, injections, and long-acting subcutaneous pellets. If you are diagnosed with low testosterone, you doctor can review these options with you to find one that works best. Men who are on testosterone replacement will need routine bloodwork going forward.

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