BRAVO to those on the front lines

May 22, 2020 – People across central Ohio are saying “BRAVO” to The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s front line responders.

The medical center’s faculty and staff recognition platform, BRAVO, is providing the Buckeye community the unique opportunity to directly express its gratitude to our health care professionals.

While the program began more than six years ago, the opportunity to express words of encouragement has taken on new meaning since the start of COVID-19. BRAVO has become a beacon of light amidst the uncertainty.

In the past two months, community members have submitted hundreds of emails of appreciation to doctors, nurses, medical and hospital auxiliary staff all across the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center.



Here are a few examples of Inspiring BRAVO Messages:

Dear Care Givers and all others still working at the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center,

We live just a few blocks from campus and I see many of you walking to and from work nearly every day. While I don't know most of your names, I do know ALL of your faces, and some of you know mine. I'm the Latino man working at my computer who smiles or waves at you from 400 W. 6th Avenue during your morning and/or afternoon walks on Michigan Avenue.

I personally want to thank you for continuing to work during this pandemic, and for trying to keep us all safe. You, like other essential workers are our heroes of the day, and should continue to be. Be brave, be as safe as you can possibly be, and please, please, please stay healthy; may God bless you all.
- Jesús Acosta-Hughes



I was a patient on Doan 11 from 4/14 to 4/19. During my stay in the hospital I didn't meet one staff member who wasn't pleasant and accommodating. I would like to say a special thank you to Sara, a RN and Ernest a patient care tech. Sara always came in with a smile on her face and checked with me frequently just to make sure I was ok. Ernest was a great comfort to me during a particularly difficult time during my hospitalization. He was so kind and caring. He offered even to pray with me wich was a great comfort since I am catholic. I just wanted to thank all of staff who were exceptional in my opinion. They worked really hard but never made me feel as if I was "bothering" them if I called. I am a retired nurse and used to being on the other side of caregiving. It really made me realize how important it is to come in with a smile and kindness in your heart. Congrats! You guys did a great job!
-Diane Gawron



To all those who contribute to the functioning of the OSU Wexner Medical Center,

Most of us will never know how it feels to experience what you all are going through. From those working behind the scenes to those directly in the operating room, there is a reason you are working on the frontlines. You are strong. You are brave. You are selfless. Because of all of you we will come out and beat this virus. You will guide us towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Without you and your hard work and efforts we would not be able to overcome this. Stay strong and positive. Even during the darkest of times, there will always be light waiting for us as the sun is always shining though we may not see it.
- Adriana Murillo



To the many brave souls in health care that risk their lives every day to make sure we are cared for with compassion and perseverance through this incredibly difficult and frightening time. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I see the bruised faces from PPE, sacrifices to keep your families safe, pain in your faces from the suffering. I wear my mask in public with pride. I know I may be saving the life of someone’s loved one or one of you angels that are so desperately needed during such a great time of need. Your bravery and unflinching resolve to do your job under the most challenging conditions both physically and emotionally is awe inspiring!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
-Paige English



To all of our selfless and brilliant health care providers, please know that your efforts mean the world to us. Our family is simply in awe of those that face this pandemic in person every day and then go home to their families at night just to wake up and do it again the next day. My 4 year old wants to be a doctor so that she can help people (and give flu shots apparently 🙂 ) and I think as she learns about this time when she is older, will be further inspired by you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking care of our community during such a challenging time.

Sending all our love, The Yauk Family.
- Briana Yauk



Send Your BRAVO Message Today

During these unprecedented times, these words of optimism are needed more than ever. As Ohio begins to reopen, our health care teams are continuing to put the safety and wellness of the community first.

Empower our heroes with messages of joy, thanks and BRAVOs for all they do. Send your words of gratitude through the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center’s BRAVO program by emailing

Hospital Week Ad reading Thank You Healthcare Heroes

To publicly express appreciation for its extraordinary health care workers, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, together with other regional hospitals, placed this advertisement in The Columbus Dispatch during National Hospital Week.

How you can help

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The Wexner Medical Center Development Office
c/o The Ohio State University Foundation
P.O. Box 736096
Chicago, IL 60673-6096

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