Two women in blue scrubs assisting a female patient with a breathing device

Delivering the Highest-Quality Care

When it comes to critical illnesses, traumatic injuries and burns, timely, compassionate and expert treatment matters to patients and their families. Formed in 2006, Ohio State’s Division of Trauma, Critical Care and Burn delivers the highest-quality care for those who are critically ill and injured.


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Icon of a paper and medical badge

Did you know...

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center has 37 years as a Level 1 trauma center?

Dr. Souza examining a patient with an amputated leg

Unparalleled Surgical Expertise

Traumatic injuries can sometimes lead to amputation, limb reconstruction or restoration. Your philanthropic support for surgical experts like Jason Souza, MD, empowers them to use leading-edge techniques and technologies to help patients — including military veterans and active service members — who are facing life-changing injuries.

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Icon of a medical professional with a speech bubble, on an orange background

Did you know...

2,300 procedures are performed annually?

Man wrapping hand in gauze

A Mark of Distinction

Led by Nicole Bernal, MD, the American Electric Power Foundation Chair in Burn Care, Ohio State’s Comprehensive Burn Center is the only adult ABA-verified Burn Center in central Ohio. The center has helped to provide burn garments for patients as well as educational opportunities for our specialists.

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Icon of a doctor and patient on an orange background

Did you know...

2,700+ trauma patients are treated here each year?

How you can help

Donate by Mail

The Wexner Medical Center Development Office
c/o The OSU Foundation 
PO Box 710811
Columbus, OH 43271-0811

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