What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a brand name for cryolipolisis, or fat freezing — a nonsurgical fat-removal technology. It offers a noninvasive way to reduce stubborn bulges of fat that persist after you’ve tried dieting and exercise.

CoolSculpting treats localized areas of fat on the waist, back or other areas. Doctors use a handheld device that grips and cools targeted areas of fat beneath your skin. At about 4 degrees Celsius, fat cells begin to crystallize, break down and eventually die before they’re naturally removed by the body. The treatment affects fat cells exclusively and doesn’t harm other cells in the area.

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center aesthetics team have high-level skills in performing CoolSculpting and a wide array of nonsurgical procedures

Why CoolSculpting is done

Despite healthy eating habits and a regular exercise regime, you may have stubborn areas of fat that won’t go away. In some instances, genetics play a role in where fat tends to settle. Some people can’t get rid of chin fat, unwanted fat that settles around the belly, or in fatty flanks referred to as “love handles,” “muffin top” or back fat.

CoolSculpting targets persistent, problematic fat in localized areas, such as:

  • Under the chin
  • Upper arms
  • Waist and abdominal area
  • Flanks on breasts, back and belly
  • Buttocks, hips and thighs

To treat fat over larger areas of your body, liposuction or other body contouring procedures may be better options to consider.

CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss procedure. Consult Ohio State’s weight management specialists for effective, nonsurgical weight management.

How to prepare for CoolSculpting

Preparing for CoolSculpting may include the following steps as directed by your aesthetics provider:

  • Medical evaluation, including medical history
  • Assessment of health and skin condition
  • Evaluation of specific areas to be treated
  • Consultation about the procedure

What to expect

CoolSculpting can be done at one of our outpatient care locations in Columbus, Ohio. Time required for the procedure can range from 30 minutes to two hours depending on areas treated and treatment goals.

Your provider will apply a gel to the area to be treated. They’ll then gather fatty tissue, using the CoolSculpting adaptor, a vacuum-like suction attachment. You may feel a tugging sensation and temporary pinching, numbness or discomfort in the area.

Once fatty tissues are gathered, the device cools the area at a temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius. This causes fat cells to break down and eventually dissolve without harming other cells in this area.

Any discomfort usually goes away once the area begins to feel cool and numb. During your procedure, you can listen to music, watch a movie or just relax and rest your eyes.

Depending on the area of the body being treated, your doctor may recommend multiple CoolSculpting cycles (or sessions) over four to six weeks. Most people require at least two cycles per treatment area.

You may experience some temporary numbness or redness and swelling in areas treated. You should be able to return to work or other routine schedules with no downtime.

When will you see results from CoolSculpting?

Results after CoolSculpting aren’t noticeable right away. You’ll begin to see a difference within two to three weeks as your body continues to get rid of disintegrated fat cells. Results are permanent if you steadily maintain a balanced diet and a healthy exercise routine to avoid weight gain.

Is CoolSculpting right for you?

A good candidate for CoolSculpting would have the following:

  • Generally good health
  • Realistic expectations
  • Localized pockets of resistant fat
  • Skin that’s not excessively loose

You should not have CoolSculpting if you have these or other conditions as discussed by your provider:

  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Dermatitis or other skin conditions
  • Chronic pain
  • Diabetic neuropathy or other nerve conditions
  • An implanted medical device
  • Poor circulation

Risks of CoolSculpting

The risks of CoolSculpting therapy vary depending on individual condition and the number and extent of areas treated. Our aesthetic team will evaluate your condition, medical history and treatment goals to determine whether it’s an option for you. Potential risks include:

  • Abnormal hardening of fat tissue (paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, or PAH)
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Excessive bruising, redness and swelling
  • Results not as expected
  • Scarring
  • Skin ulceration
  • Tenderness in treated areas

CoolSculpting has a low risk of complications when performed by highly qualified providers like those at Ohio State. During your office visits, your provider will discuss your condition, goals and any possible risks.


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