
Know Your Health Numbers

Blood pressure: 120/80. Cholesterol: below 200. Blood sugar: below 100. Waist size: below 40 inches for men and 35 for women. There is no routine path to health, but many of the numbers we consider to be healthy numbers apply to everyone.

Your primary care doctor can help you determine where your health numbers are today, and help you begin a plan to get them or keep them where they need to be.

Please join us for Ohio State's Healthy Community Day, where Ohio State will offer a wide range of free health screenings and services.


Genetic Testing

A significant part of healthy living is understanding what health risks are presented by your family history. Understanding your genetic history can help you, your family and your health care team take the necessary steps to prevent the onset of disease, or to minimize its effect on your life.


Routine Care and Screenings

As we age, men and women face greater risks of certain types of diseases, particularly cancers and heart disease. Routine screenings like mammograms, prostate exams, stroke assessments and cholesterol tests are important for determining your risk for disease, and for diagnosing conditions in their earliest possible stages, when they are the easiest to treat.

You can talk with an Ohio State primary care doctor or gynecologist and discuss which exams and screenings are best for you.

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