Moms2B is helping expectant moms have healthy babies
Moms2B is an innovative, community-based pregnancy program for low-income women established by The Ohio State University in 2010. Moms2B is designed to:
- Improve the health status of at-risk communities
- Empower pregnant women to deliver full-term, healthy babies
- Reduce the number of low birthweight infants
- Reduce infant mortality
- Eliminate racial and economic disparities
Learn how to have a healthy baby and pregnancy, talk with health care professionals, share a meal and make new friends at a Prenatal Education Session. Sessions are held every week, and we provide transportation assistance, free supervised playtime and incentives for attendance.
According to the Ohio Department of Health, the leading cause of infant death in Ohio is preterm birth (30%) followed by birth defects (19%) and sleep-related deaths (<14%). Current data states that the state of Ohio ranks 39th in the country for infant mortality! Moms2B is here to help women at high risk for infant mortality learn tools that will enable them to make healthier choices and deliver healthy, full-term infants. Learn more statistics and understanding the need for prenatal care.
Prenatal Educational Sessions
Moms2B provides weekly education and support sessions to promote healthy lifestyle choices and link moms with support services. Our education topics focus on: breastfeeding, child development, family planning, goal setting, labor and delivery, maternal-infant health, positive parenting, reproductive health, safe sleep and more!

Kroger Community Rewards Program
In addition to Moms2B being FREE to attend, our “bonus features” include a $5 Kroger gift card for attendance, transportation assistance, on-site free supervised playtime and a hot, healthy meal. We also spend a lot of time connecting our moms to other Columbus-based programs for assistance. Moms2B is a proud member of the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Enroll today and help Moms2B support Columbus-area mothers overcome social determinants of health and raise healthy, happy babies!

Dads2B offers prenatal educational sessions to dads educating them on maternal, positive family structure and infant health. We provide dads resources to doctors, nurses, dietitians, lactation specialists and social workers. Our dads are provided a mentor for a year after the birth of their baby who will assist them with overcoming obstacles that will help lead our dads to successful outcomes. While our program specifically relates to expectant dads, we also have designed our program to include expectant moms as well. Their involvement helps to bring the importance of a positive family structure, full circle.
Find us on Facebook, or visit our website for more information:
More information about Moms2B
As a non-profit, Moms2B is completely reliant on our volunteers and generous partners. This includes:
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- CareSource
- Dell
- Grace Missionary Baptist Church
- JP Morgan Chase
- Mount Carmel Health
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital
- Ohio State Extension Office
- Ohio State Outreach and Engagement
- Ohio State University Hospital East
- PNC Bank Foundation
- Seeds of Caring
- Temple Israel
- The American Red Cross
- The Columbus Foundation
- The Columbus Kiwanis Club
- The Harry C. Moores Foundation
- The John R. Maloney Health Center
- The Kroger Company
- The Mid-Ohio Food Bank
- The Ohio Governor's Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives
- Weinland Park Collaborative
- United Way of Central Ohio
- US Bank
How can I help?
Monetary Donations:
Our need is great and our gratitude is immense. As a self-sustaining program, Moms2B relies entirely on donations and grants to cover all operating costs. Mothers attend free of charge.
100% of every gift or donation supports a new mom and her baby and is completely tax-deductible.
To mail a monetary donation, make check payable to "Moms2B" and mail to:
Moms2B / The OSU Foundation
Attn: Gift Processing
PO Box 710811
Columbus OH 43271
Supply Donations:
- Daily Bus Passes (available at Kroger for $4.50 each - provides moms transportation to sessions)
- Kroger gift cards ($5 increments)
- Diapers (all sizes)
- Diaper wipes
- Breastfeeding supplies (including breast pads, breastmilk storage bags and nursing covers)
- Baby and mother personal care items
- New car seats or pack & plays
- New or gently used and laundered clothing / bedding
Childcare Sessions:
- Any early learning toys
- New or gently used baby board books to school age books
- Children's board games
- Bubbles, craft items, markers, crayons
- Gift cards to Kroger, Target or Walmart (in any amount)
Family Emergency Care Kits:
- Kroger gift cards ($5 increments)
- Non-perishable food item suggestions:
- Peanut butter / jelly
- Canned meats
- Canned / dried vegetables and fruit
- Dry pasta and pasta sauce
- Crackers Cereal Nuts
- Household item suggestions:
- Toilet paper
- Paper towels
- Feminine hygiene products
- Toiletries
- Laundry supplies
Moms2B welcomes the assistance and support of our community members. If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers, please email or call 614-292-1605 for more information on our application process.
Moms2B Volunteer Opportunities:
See the impact on a baby’s life first-hand. Moms2B greatly appreciates the support of our committed volunteers. We offer volunteer opportunities at every site locations:
- Supervised Playtime: Join other staff and volunteers to read, sing, play with and love our littlest visitors while their mom attends her Moms2B session.
Other Volunteer Opportunities:
If you have your own creative idea, we’d love to hear about it. Here are some activities other volunteers have undertaken:
- Host a baby shower with your friends or community group. We can supply a list of vital baby needs for our programs and ensure that your donation goes straight to a mom-in-need.
- Host a diaper, baby book or gift card drive.
- Make and freeze heart healthy meals as a special treat for our moms. The Moms2B team will make sure they are safely delivered.
- Help us collect and assemble emergency food bag items. Many of our Moms are food insecure and need food to make it through the week.