Matt Linsenmayer, DPT, PT is a physical therapist at the Assistive Technology Center at the Wexner Medical Center. Matt’s clinical expertise includes pediatric and adult rehabilitation, and he is a leader in his field in complex seating and mobility. He has been involved in teaching and collaborating with the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy programs in Ohio State's School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. He has been a clinical mentor for the Ohio State Rehabilitation Engineering Capstone senior design team, which has been a finalist at Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) student design competition. He is a member of Ohio State's Adapted Sports Institute, and is an avid volunteer with adapted sports. Matt is a coach with the adapted swim team at Columbus Parks and Recreation. Matt is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association, the Ohio Physical Therapy Association and RESNA.