Raynaud's disease causes the blood vessels to narrow when you are cold or feeling stressed. When this happens, blood can't get to the surface of the skin and the affected areas turn white and blue. When the blood flow returns, the skin turns red and throbs or tingles. In severe cases, loss of blood flow can cause sores or tissue death.

Primary Raynaud's happens on its own. The cause is not known. There is also secondary Raynaud's, which is caused by injuries, other diseases or certain medicines.

People in colder climates are more likely to develop Raynaud's. It is also more common in women, people with a family history and those over age 30.

Treatment for Raynaud's may include drugs to keep the blood vessels open. There are also simple things you can do yourself, such as:

  • Soaking hands in warm water at the first sign of an attack
  • Keeping your hands and feet warm in cold weather
  • Avoiding triggers, such as certain medicines and stress
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Jasmine Thai, MD

Jasmine Thai, MD

  • Rheumatology
  • Physician
Accepting new patients
(614) 293-4837
Beatrice Kenol, MD
4.8 out of 5

Beatrice Kenol, MD

  • Rheumatology
  • Physician

Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine

Accepting new patients
  • Eye and Ear Institute
(614) 293-4837
Jill Putnam, MD
4.8 out of 5

Jill Putnam, MD

  • Orthopaedic Surgery – Hand Surgery
  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Physician

Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics

Accepting new patients
  • Eye and Ear Institute
  • Outpatient Care Dublin
  • Orthopedics in Outpatient Care Dublin
  • Hand and Upper Extremity Care in Outpatient Care Dublin
  • Hand and Upper Extremity in Eye and Ear Institute
(614) 366-4263

Our Locations


in Outpatient Care Upper Arlington
1800 Zollinger Road
Columbus, OH 43221


in Outpatient Care Lewis Center
6515 Pullman Drive
Suite 2200
Lewis Center, OH 43035


in Outpatient Care East
543 Taylor Ave.
Suite 3084
Columbus, OH 43203

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