You can grow stronger, both mentally and physically, through exercise. For people with multiple sclerosis (MS), exercise can also protect or lead to more independence, which makes physical therapy a very important part of treatment at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Our physical therapy team has developed MS-specific therapies to target the individual muscles that control movement to help you develop a smoother gait, lessen fatigue and improve your ability to perform the daily tasks that so many others take for granted. It’s believed that strength training may even slow the damage MS causes to the brain.

Your plan, your gains

In combination with the other disease-modifying therapies prescribed by your doctor, your personalized therapy program will be designed to match your current abilities, individual goals and MS-related challenges. We’ll start at a pace that’s comfortable, but we’ll continue to push you for even more improvements.

We’ve found that warm water aqua therapy is particularly helpful for MS, and classes are held in a 3½- to 5-foot-deep pool with exercises designed to improve range of motion, muscle strength and flexibility. We also offer yoga, aerobic programs to get your heart pumping, strength training, important stretching activities to release tight muscles and an independent exercise plan that you can do at home to maximize results. Whatever activity we recommend, your physical therapist will make sure you know how to do each exercise correctly to prevent injury. We’ll also explain how and why each movement is useful against MS, because we believe the more you know, the more likely you’ll be to stick to the plan.

Make physical activity part of your routine

We want you to develop a routine that’s easy to maintain, so your physical therapy sessions can be scheduled at multiple Ohio State Wexner Medical Center outpatient locations that are close to your home, school, workplace or other daily stops.

Even without the obvious health benefits for patients with MS, we think regular physical therapy will help you establish an overall healthier approach and long-term positive outlook to life. We can’t wait to help you get started.

Spasticity management program at Ohio State

You might be having trouble moving, walking or speaking as a result of having MS. As with all of our MS care, our team is ready to offer a personalized care plan unique to your MS. Get more details about our spasticity management program.

Learn more about MS

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