About Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

If you’ve been diagnosed with or wondered if you’re living with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, you’re likely encountering major disruptions to your daily life. The chronic digestive disease is marked by severe, recurrent episodes of nausea and vomiting. During a CVS attack, severe vomiting may occur as often as every 10 minutes for several hours and go on like that up to a week.

This debilitating condition can have serious complications, such as dehydration and, rarely, esophageal damage. It can also lead to frequent visits to the emergency department. When not properly managed, CVS can significantly impact you and your family’s life.

Ohio State is home to a global leader in the study and treatment of CVS

If you’re living with CVS, you need care from an expert who understands this rare digestive condition, which is why you’ve come to the right place. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center is home to Thangam Venkatesan, MD, a gastroenterologist who is a global leader in the study and CVS treatment.

Dr. Venkatesan has helped more than 1,500 patients with CVS improve their quality of life and reduce their hospitalizations. She is involved in multiple key clinical trials and studies to advance the understanding and treatment of CVS. She also serves as one of the chief medical advisors to the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Association, a nonprofit organization that provides support and education to CVS patients and their families.

CVS video series

Dr. Venkatesan is passionate about sharing her knowledge and expertise with CVS patients, doctors and caregivers. To cover all the topics associated with this condition, we’ve developed a series of educational videos discussing everything you and your loved ones need to know.

In these videos, you’ll learn more about what cyclic vomiting syndrome is, how it’s diagnosed, what the common triggers are, how to prevent or treat episodes and how to improve your quality of life with CVS.

We invite you to watch these videos and learn more about CVS. We hope they will provide you with valuable information and support and empower you to make informed decisions about your care.

We also encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Venkatesan.

To make an appointment, call 614-293-6255.

We are here to help you and provide you with the best possible care for CVS.

Introduction and overview of CVS

Dr. Venkatesan provides an introduction to the video series and an overview of cyclic vomiting syndrome. She explains how many people may have this condition and what happens during an episode.

How is cyclic vomiting syndrome diagnosed?

Dr. Venkatesan explains the four phases of CVS and how it’s diagnosed using the ROME criteria.

How CVS affects patients and families

Dr. Venkatesan discusses the prevalence of CVS in children and adults, and the impact this condition has on patients and families. She also shares the effect on the health care system overall.

Causes of CVS

Dr. Venkatesan explains the possible causes of cyclic vomiting syndrome, including genetic ties, cannabis use and what current research is showing.

The CVS Association

Dr. Venkatesan and Blynda Killian, president of the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Association, share what types of support are available to patients, families and medical professionals.

Preventing episodes of CVS

Dr. Venkatesan explains how prophylactic therapy is used to successfully prevent episodes of cyclic vomiting syndrome.

Treating an episode with abortive therapy

Dr. Venkatesan discusses abortive medications that can stop the symptoms of cyclic vomiting syndrome and also prevent the progression of an episode.

Cyclic vomiting syndrome and cannabis use

Dr. Venkatesan explains the benefits of managing cyclic vomiting syndrome brought on by stress with medical cannabis.

Managing stress with meditation

Dr. Venkatesan guides you through a meditation session, which is one way to prevent CVS episodes triggered by stress.

Bridging the knowledge gap

Dr. Venkatesan discusses her involvement in educating and training other health care providers about cyclic vomiting syndrome.

Pediatric patients with CVS

Dr. Venkatesan and Desalegn Yacob, MD, medical director of the Center for Neurogastroenterology and Motility Disorders at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, talk about cyclic vomiting syndrome in children.

History of CVS

Dr. Venkatesan; B U.K. Li, MD, professor emeritus at the Medical College of Wisconsin, — Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; and Kathleen Adams, president emeritus of the Cyclic Vomiting Association (CVSA), discuss the history of cyclic vomiting syndrome.

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