Masculinizing bottom surgery

Patients may decide to have masculinizing bottom surgery to help them embrace their gender identity. Bottom surgery may involve removing the uterus (hysterectomy), ovaries (oophorectomy) and vagina (vaginectomy). It can include creating a penis and scrotum (phalloplasty).

We follow the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s standards when performing our masculinizing bottom surgeries. These guidelines are set for safe, effective physical and mental health care for transgender and gender-nonconforming patients. Requirements for each procedure will vary.

Hysterectomy and oophorectomy

After having a hysterectomy, you’ll no longer have periods and you won’t be able to get pregnant unless assisted techniques for fertility preservation are used prior to surgery.

After having an oophorectomy, your body will no longer make estrogen, which means you may be able to reduce the amount of the male hormone (testosterone) you take.

Our surgeons in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology provide many services for the LGBTQ population of Columbus and the surrounding region.


Metoidioplasty is a procedure that creates an elongated clitoris to urinate standing up. It’s considered for select individuals.


Phalloplasty is the procedure of using a flap of skin and tissue from another part of the body to create a penis.  

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