The physicians at Ohio State's Gender Affirming Primary Care Clinic offer a variety of services to our patients. We offer both transition-related care and primary care in a welcoming, supportive and affirming environment. The Gender Affirming Primary Care Clinic operates
every Wednesday at our
Outpatient Care East location and
every Friday at our
Primary Care Westerville location.
For those early in transition, we believe the transition process is a wonderful opportunity to transform overall health. As clinical faculty at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, we also believe it is vitally important to teach the next generation of medical professionals how to create affirming/empowering relationships with their patients and to provide high quality care to the transgender community in any setting where they choose to practice in the future.
We offer the following services:
Primary care, including assistance with meeting your goals to achieve a healthy lifestyle
- STI testing
- HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), for individuals at high risk for contracting HIV
- Vaccination
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Referrals for gender affirming surgery
- Care for depression, anxiety and other conditions affecting your emotional health, including gender dysphoria and transgender-specific counseling
- Cancer screenings including pap smears, referrals for mammograms, colonoscopy and other recommended tests
Things to know when scheduling:
We practice a team-based model with attending physicians, fellows, residents, students, RNs and medical assistants. You will meet many team members and learners at your appointment.
- We accept referrals (including self-referrals) for patients ages 18 and up.
- We ask that ALL our patients stop smoking prior to starting hormones. We have tools and resources to help you be successful.