The TBI Network at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Neurological Institute coordinates resources and services for patients who suffer from brain injuries and substance abuse.
Members of the staff, who have expertise in brain injury, substance abuse treatment, vocational rehabilitation, case management, community outreach, counseling and family dynamics, also help to educate clients and their families about substance use and brain injury. The staff works with existing service agencies in Franklin County to gain access and assure appropriate treatment for patients, and the staff consults with professionals from other agencies to assist them in understanding the unique problems of individual clients, particularly the cognitive and emotional changes resulting from brain damage. TBI Network staff members take responsibility for convening meetings of "ad hoc" community teams of providers involved with each client. Each team has unique membership because of the differing array of agency professionals involved with each client.

Our Team
At the Traumatic Brain Injury Network, our multidisciplinary team collaborates to translate discoveries into life-changing treatments.
Current Projects
Partnership with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), formerly Rehabilitation Services Commission: The TBI Network vocational program follows the Individual Placement and Support model created by Deborah Becker and Dr. Robert Drake. The staff follows IPS principles of zero exclusion, integrating employment with other services, the goal being competitive employment, offering benefits counseling, a rapid job search with client preferences being most important, and a continuous follow-along services.
Recent Publications
- Bogner, J., French, L.M., Lange, R.T., Corrigan, J.D. 2015. Pilot study of traumatic brain injury and alcohol misuse among service members. Brain Injury May 7:1-10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Adams, R. S., Larson, M. J., Corrigan, J. D., Ritter, G. A., Horgan, C.M., Bray, R.M., Williams, T. V. 2014. Combat-acquired traumatic brain injury, posttraumatic stress disorder, and their relative association with postdeployment binge drinking. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, Nov 4. [Epub ahead of print].
- McKinlay, A., Corrigan. J., Horwood, L.J., Fergusson, D.M. 2014. Substance abuse and criminal activities following traumatic brain injury in childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 29(6); 498-506.
- Adams, R. S., Larson, M. J., Corrigan, J. D., Ritter, G. A., & Williams, T. V. 2013. Traumatic brain injury among U.S. active duty military personnel and negative drinking-related consequences. Substance Use & Misuse, 48(10), 821-836.
- Bogner, J. B., Corrigan, J. D. 2013. Interventions for substance misuse following TBI: A systematic review. Brain Impairment, 14 (May): 77 - 91.
- Brenner, L. A., Homaifar, B. Y., Olson-Madden, J. H., Nagamoto, H. T., Huggins, J., Schneider, A. L., Forster, J. E., Matarazzo, B., Corrigan, J. D. 2013. Prevalence and screening of traumatic brain injury among veterans seeking mental health services. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 28 (1): 21-30.
- Corrigan, J. D., Adams, R. S., Larson, M. J. 2013. When addiction co-occurs with traumatic brain injury. American Journal of Psychiatry, Apr 2013; 170 (4); 351-354.
- Adams, R. S., Larson, M. J., Corrigan, J. D., Horgan, C. M., Williams, T. V. 2012. Frequent binge drinking after combat-acquired traumatic brain injury among active duty military personnel with a past year combat deployment. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 27(5): 349-360.
- Adams, R. S., Corrigan, J. D., Larson, M. J. 2012, Alcohol use after combat-acquired traumatic brain injury: What we know and don't know. Journal of Social Work Practice in Addictions 12(1): 28-51.
- Corrigan, J. D., Bogner, J., Holloman, C. 2012. Lifetime history of traumatic brain injury among persons with substance use disorders. Brain Injury 26(2):139-50.
- Corrigan J.D., Mysiw W.J. 2012. Substance abuse among persons with TBI. In: N.D. Zasler, D.I. Katz, R.D. Zafonte, D.B. Arciniegas, M.R. Bullock, J.S. Kreutzer (Eds), Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice, Second Edition. Demos Medical Publishing, New York, 1315-1328.
- Ferguson, P. L., Pickelsimer, E. E., Corrigan, J. D., Bogner, J. A., Wald, M. 2012. Prevalence of traumatic brain injury among prisoners in South Carolina. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 27(3): E11-20.
- Olson-Madden, J.H., Brenner, L.A., Corrigan, J.D., Emrick, C.D., Britton, P.C. 2012 Substance use and mild traumatic brain injury risk reduction and prevention: a novel model for treatment. Rehabilitation Research and Practice Epub 2012 May 17.
- Sander, A. M., Bogner, J., Nick, T. G., Clark, A. N., Corrigan, J. D., Rozzell, M.A. 2012. Randomized controlled trial of brief intervention for problem alcohol use in persons with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 27(5): 319-330.
- Taghva, A., Corrigan, J. D., Rezai, A. R. 2012. Obesity and brain addiction circuitry: Implications for deep brain stimulation. Neurosurgery 71(2): 224-238.
- Corrigan, J. D. (2011). Alcohol misuse and traumatic brain injury. In Manual of Traumatic Brain Injury Management, Felise S. Zollman (Ed). Demos Medical Publishing, New York, 405-411.
- Corrigan, J. D., Bogner, J., Hungerford, D. W., Schomer, K. (2010). Screening and brief intervention for substance misuse among patients with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Trauma, 69(3), 722-726.
- Olson-Madden J. H., Brenner, L., Harwood, J. E. F., Emrick, C. D., Corrigan, J. D., Thompson, C. (2010). Traumatic brain injury and psychiatric diagnoses in veterans seeking outpatient substance abuse treatment. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 25(6), 470-9.
Harry C. Moores Foundation
Franklin County ADAMH Board
“Ohio Regional Traumatic Brain Injury Model System,” funded by National Institute on Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Our Location
Talbot Hall
1441 Phale D Hale Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
Our Team
The TBI Network consists of an interdisciplinary staff with expertise in TBI, substance treatment, and vocational rehabilitation. Services provided are designed to support and enhance existing services in the community. The primary method of intervention is resource and service coordination.
Our Staff
April Smith, LISW-S, LICDC-CS
Clinical Manager
Michael Devany, LSW, LICDC
Samuel Boyd, LSW, LICDC
Natalie Elliott, LSW, LICDC