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Established in 1996, the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research (IBMR) is the cornerstone of a broad research program at The Ohio State University in the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) – the study of how the brain interacts with the body's immune system. This field has evolved from a novel area of curiosity to an important scientific field, one that has meaningful implications for public health and great promise for enhancing medical treatments.
Our researchers represent expertise in the fields of immunology, virology, psychiatry, psychology, endocrinology, molecular biology, behavior, oncology and the neurosciences. Recent work by our researchers has shown that:
The College of Dentistry hosts the CTOC program, where trainees have the opportunity to participate in outstanding research in Inflammation and Immunity, Wound Healing, Cancer Biology, Chemical Senses, Psychoneuroimmunology, Microbial Pathogenesis, Biomaterials, Molecular Genetics, and other exciting areas.
For more information, visit CTOC Program.
The areas of neuroimmunology, neuroendocrinimmunology, neuroimmunomodulation and psychoneuroimmunology were pioneered so that disciplines outside of classical immunology could design novel approaches to address specific hypotheses related to the neuro-endocrine-immune interrelationship. Thirteen scientists at The Ohio State University, trained in the classical disciplines of immunology, virology, endocrinology, psychology, neuroscience and pharmacology, work together to conduct research in all four of these immunology areas. The overall goal of our training program is to encourage and support broad-based, early-stage training in integrative immunobiology, using an institutional training grant mechanism. It is expected that our training program will enhance the knowledge base in basic and disease-related research.
Learn more about the program, the participating faculty and their research.
The Institute has garnered more than $140 million in research grants in the last decade, including two major program project grants from the National Institutes of Health, making the IBMR one of the world's foremost centers for the study of mind-body interactions.
This fund supports the teaching and research mission of the Ohio State Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research. The fund will also support faculty development and professional growth.
Supports a lectureship in the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research
The Diversity in Neuroscience Scholarship Fund promotes equity and inclusion within the NGP and the neuroscience field by providing an entry point for students whose backgrounds are fraught with steep barriers, absent from other students’ experiences, that severely limit their ability to access, compete for or manage graduate-level opportunities. Scholarship recipients will benefit from interdisciplinary training and mentorship with distinguished Ohio State faculty as part of the doctoral program that aims to produce tomorrow’s pioneers in brain research.
Dena Bell, MBA
Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, Rm 130B
460 Medical Center Drive
Columbus, OH 43210
At the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, our multidisciplinary team collaborates to translate discoveries into life-changing treatments.
The IBMR team comprises faculty researchers, making this interdisciplinary group perhaps the largest contingent of psychoneuroimmunology researchers in the world.
Our researchers have appointments in basic and clinical science departments and centers, including:
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research
Assistant Director for Basic Science, Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research; Professor, Center for Brain and Spinal Cord Repair
Assistant Professor
College of Medicine
Department of Neuroscience
Faculty, Chronic Brain Injury
Professor and Chair, Department of Neuroscience
Co-Director, Neuroscience Research Institute
Director, Center for Brain and Spinal Cord Repair
Faculty Affiliate, Chronic Brain Injury
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