Lab Members

Jeffrey Atkinson, PhD

Calli Bellinger, BS

Shuo (Shane) Chen, BS

Alexander Efanov, BS

Hayley Groover, BS

Andrew Jerome, PhD

Tom Liu, MD, PhD

Yan Wang, MD, PhD
Alex Sepeda, BS
Thad Carlson, PhD
Scientific Leader
Tempero DPU
Pratima Deshpande, PhD
Aurigene Discovery Technologies
David Giles, PhD
Medical Student
University of Michigan
Irah King, PhD
Assistant Professor
McGill University
Mark Kroenke, PhD
Senior Scientist
Ashley Munie, BS
Post doctoral fellow
Jackson Laboratories
Josh Stoolman, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine
Heather Walk, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Montana State University
Patrick Duncker, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
National Institutes of Health (Dorian McGavern Lab)
Andrew Sas, MD, PhD
Ludmilla V. Bagaeva, MD, PhD
Kevin Carbajal, PhD
Senior Scientist
Aerie Pharmaceuticals
Amanda Huber, PhD
Research Investigator
University of Michigan
Hiroshi (Travis) Ichikawa, PhD
Research Professional
University of Georgia
Stephen Lalor, PhD
Senior Research Fellow & SFI Starting Investigator
Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)
Julie Rumble, PhD
Research & Development Scientist
Operations Coordinator
Cayman Chemical
Karthik Venkatesh, PhD
Associate Director, Medical Writing
Tiffany Braley, MD
Associate Professor
University of Michigan
Jeanie Cote, MD
Assistant Professor
University of Michigan
Robert Pace, MD
Memorial Health Care
Owosso, Michigan
Jessica Stulc, MD
Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology