There is unlimited potential in the field of neuroscience and, with your support, we can improve countless lives through leading-edge research, patient care and innovation. It's your way of creating the future of medicine.

Being the Difference
Catherine Hantak, or Kay as she prefers to be known, is committed to finding a cure for myotonic dystrophy, a little-recognized hereditary condition.
Most people have heard of muscular dystrophy, one of the diseases that weakens skeletal muscles and begins in childhood. Myotonic dystrophy has many of the same symptoms, but also weakens the most critical muscle: the heart.
Kay knows all too well the devastation this disease can cause after losing four people very dear to her. But pity is the last thing Kay wants. “My objective is to make people aware of the disease,” she says, determined to make a difference.

Grateful Dad
It all started with a twitch in his thumb. Ten years and three kids later, Rob Reeser couldn’t write, button his shirt or even walk. He was a 30-year-old living with the harsh realities of Parkinson’s disease.
He was shocked by the diagnosis. At the age of 30, he could no longer shoot a layup or even write. When those skills vanished, he wasn’t ready to stop coaching basketball or quit his job as a municipal court clerk. He was taking up to 18 pills a day to control the tremors, so deep brain stimulation (DBS) was his only hope. His disheartened outlook on life dissipated with the treatment he received at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
Your help is needed so researchers at OSU Wexner Medical Center can continue revolutionizing treatment for debilitating neurological disorders, allowing more patients like me to return to a normal life. Join Rob in supporting this critical research today.
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The Wexner Medical Center Development Officec/o The Ohio State University Foundation
P.O. Box 736096
Chicago, IL 60673-6096