By donating to the Wexner Medical Center's Heart and Vascular Greatest Need Fund, you are supporting the extraordinary innovations, treatments and technologies needed by our heart patients. It's your way of creating the future of medicine.

Richard Can Now Rely on His Heart
Richard never suspected he would one day be stopped by a heart condition. He led a healthy life. He had no family history of heart disease. But heart disease had still found a way to change his life. After collapsing, doctors found a blockage in his heart.
When Richard began spending more time at the hospital than at home, it became apparent that he would need a new heart. He was placed on the transplant list in July 2009. Four months later, Richard received the call that would change his life forever. There was a heart available for him.
Richard is now living life to the fullest. “My wife and I can go for walks together, my children still have a father and I am looking forward to the next chapters in my life.”
With support from people like Richard and you, heart disease won’t win.

The Gift of Life
Adam Burkhart was born with a ticking time bomb in his chest. The name for the disease he inherited is long and complex, but the bottom line was that his heart would fail, probably before he reached his mid-30s. The disease had killed his aunt, and in the complex lottery of genetics, Adam was next in line.
But his disease didn’t wait for even three decades — by the age of 17, Adam needed a heart transplant. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center was there for him. Adam waited seven frightening months for a donor heart to become available. Then, in what is an example of one of life’s most exceptional acts of expertise and teamwork, Adam was given a new life.
Adam is so grateful to his organ donor and all other donors out there that he gave back so others could be as lucky as has been.
By supporting the Wexner Medical Center heart program, you help fund innovative treatments and research, helping us create more lives saved through transplantation.
How You Can Help
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The Wexner Medical Center Development Officec/o The Ohio State University Foundation
P.O. Box 736096
Chicago, IL 60673-6096