
- Many men and women skimp on sleep and might smoke socially, both of which are tough on the skin.
- As much as 80 percent of lifetime sun damage may have already occurred.
- Some people transition from teenage acne to adult acne, which often means breakouts moving to the chin or jawline more frequently, while potentially continuing in the “T-zone,” or forehead and nose, as well.
- Dry skin may become an issue.
- It’s time to proactively treat wrinkles to prevent their premature arrival.
Retinoids can be an excellent option at this age, as they not only help with breakouts, but may also undo some sun damage, while boosting collagen production.
The right skin cleanser, daily moisturizer and SPF sun protection are an important addition to every skin routine for 20-year-olds, and we can help you find the formula that is best for your particular skin type.
Also, as you launch into your professional career, we’re happy to discuss any cosmetic changes that might boost your confidence, both at work and in your personal life.