It’s Not Too Early to Start Taking Care of Your Face and Skin — and It’s Also Never Too Late

We’ll work together to design a tailored treatment following initial consultation, but below you’ll find some age-appropriate options you might want to consider for preventing premature signs of aging in the first place or to reverse some that may have already appeared. 

Of course, if you have particular features you’d like to actually change, like your nose, chin, ears or eyelids, or if you have existing damage you’d like to repair or birthmarks you’d like to remove, that can be a good choice at any age.



20During this decade: 
  • Many men and women skimp on sleep and might smoke socially, both of which are tough on the skin.
  • As much as 80 percent of lifetime sun damage may have already occurred.
  • Some people transition from teenage acne to adult acne, which often means breakouts moving to the chin or jawline more frequently, while potentially continuing in the “T-zone,” or forehead and nose, as well.
  • Dry skin may become an issue.
  • It’s time to proactively treat wrinkles to prevent their premature arrival.

Retinoids can be an excellent option at this age, as they not only help with breakouts, but may also undo some sun damage, while boosting collagen production.

The right skin cleanser, daily moisturizer and SPF sun protection are an important addition to every skin routine for 20-year-olds, and we can help you find the formula that is best for your particular skin type.

Also, as you launch into your professional career, we’re happy to discuss any cosmetic changes that might boost your confidence, both at work and in your personal life.



30Those who are 30-something begin to see the effects of lifestyle choices and genetics, noticing more unwanted facial changes in the mirror. It is frequent to hear from this age group that it isn’t fair to have both pimples and wrinkles. Acne is more commonly tied to hormone fluctuations, and fine lines begin to appear along with other common skin issues such as sunspots, broken blood vessels and dull complexion. 
  • Retinoids provide both anti-acne and anti-wrinkle benefits. Both skin texture and elasticity can be improved with daily treatment.
  • A good at-home exfoliant or in-office exfoliation treatment can speed cell turnover and improve product absorption.
  • Antioxidants are an important addition to boost sun protection and fight free radicals.
  • Effective cleaners, moisturizers and sunscreens tailored to your individual skin type should remain an important part of your daily routine.

Many people also find the 30s to be the decade when they finally feel ready to address a facial feature they’ve never particularly liked. They now recognize that making a cosmetic change is less a sign of vanity, but more an indication of knowing what you want and having the self-assuredness to make an improvement for yourself.



40During the 40s, women find that fluctuating hormones can not only cause breakouts, but dryness intensifies when estrogen levels begin dropping during peri-menopause. For both men and women, fine lines and wrinkles begin to deepen and pigmentation issues intensify. Skin becomes thinner, elasticity decreases and texture changes. As underlying facial fat diminishes, sagging skin, particularly along the jawline, can begin.
  • If you began using retinoids, moisturizers and sunscreens in previous decades, you might need a shift in formula. If you’ve never used them, it’s time.
  • Alpha hydroxy acids and skin lighteners can reduce hyperpigmentation and brighten complexion.
  • The loss of skin elasticity and resilience can benefit from targeted treatments, both topical and in-office.
  • Eye creams can help with puffiness and dark circles.
  • Botox® or fillers can help improve deeper wrinkles and facial folds.
  • Laser treatments can help with broken capillaries or age spots while boosting collagen.
  • Skin cancer screenings should be routine by this point in life.

What better time than your 40s to improve your looks so your appearance more closely matches how young you still feel? Let us know what you may want to change, and we can put together a tailored course of treatment just for you.



50Natural oil production decreases more rapidly during the 50s. Significant changes occur in deeper facial structures. Collagen declines, and the start of bone loss can lead to looser skin and diminished facial volume. 
  • The benefits of retinoids, exfoliants and antioxidants remain. The goal is to smooth texture, minimize lines and fight against free radicals.
  • It may be time to add moisturizing cleansers and more emollient products to your routine to bolster dry skin. 
  • Chemical peels and other in-office treatments can further minimize fine lines, even skin tone and eliminate brown spots. 
  • Injectable fillers can add volume to create a more youthful appearance.
  • Skin cancer surveillance is particularly important as we age, and everyone in their 50s should be regularly screened. 

Other bothersome skin issues or dissatisfaction with facial features can hit some people particularly hard in their 50s. But as the saying goes, 50 is the new 40. Let’s work together to make your appearance mirror your continued energy and engagement with life.

Sixties and Beyond


60As the decades continue, collagen continues to break down, causing loss of elasticity and volume. Deep lines, such as forehead creases, lines around the mouth and drooping jawlines, may make you appear unhappy, even when you’re not. Drooping eyelids and dark circles can create a tired look. Skin tags, moles and other skin lesions develop more frequently. However, there are some simple treatments that can help with all of these issues.
  • By your 60s, you should already be routinely using moisturizers and antioxidants, but may need to change formulas. Our goal with intense hydration is to restore radiance and increase light reflection, so we want to make sure you’re using products that having real staying power.
  • Exfoliation needs to be tempered to make sure it isn’t too harsh for your delicate skin.  
  • Eyelashes may be particularly thin by this age, but a product like Latisse can add strength, length and volume, which is great for framing and opening the eyes.

At Ohio State, we can use a range of both nonsurgical and surgical treatments to restore your face and neck to a more youthful appearance without crossing the line into something that looks artificial. Everyone can age gracefully with changes that keep your looks natural and believable.

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