Schizophrenia is a serious brain illness. People who have it may hear voices that aren't there. They may think other people are trying to hurt them. Sometimes they don't make sense when they talk. The disorder makes it hard for them to keep a job or take care of themselves.

Symptoms of schizophrenia usually start between ages 16 and 30. Men often develop symptoms at a younger age than women. People usually do not get schizophrenia after age 45.

Symptoms and Causes

  • Psychotic symptoms distort a person's thinking. These include hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that are not there), delusions (beliefs that are not true), trouble organizing thoughts and strange movements.
  • "Negative" symptoms make it difficult to show emotions and to function normally. A person may seem depressed and withdrawn.
  • Cognitive symptoms affect the thought process. These include trouble using information, making decisions and paying attention.
  • Causes of schizophrenia are not known. Genetics, environment and brain chemistry may be factors.


There is no cure for schizophrenia. However, treatments can help an individual manage symptoms and achieve a higher quality of life. Treatments include medication to help control symptoms, therapy, family education and rehabilitation.


As part of Ohio State Behavioral Health’s commitment to provide comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to our community, our professionals at EPICENTER provide specialized, phase-specific treatment for young adults early in the course of a psychotic illness.

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