Men select the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center for sexual health treatment because of our unique expertise and our confidential, caring environment. Ohio State is the only facility in central Ohio recognized by U.S.News & World Report as among the nation’s Best Hospitals for the treatment of urology and kidney conditions.

Our experts specialize in treating urologic conditions that are specific to men and that may impact sexual function.

Confidential, Caring Environment

As an Ohio State patient, you will be treated with respect in a comfortable and convenient setting. Our care team will develop a personalized treatment plan that includes the most appropriate care for you. Many patients take advantage of our expert-led support group to discuss sexual health issues with others who are experiencing similar situations.

Men's Sexual Health Conditions

Sex Therapy

What is sex therapy, and how can it help me?

Sexuality is a large part of our identities as humans. We all have sexuality, but it’s often difficult to discuss.

What happens in sex therapy?

It can be embarrassing to talk about sexual problems, but communication is important. 

What is sexual health, and how can I improve my sex life?

Claire Postl, a sex therapist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, helps patients and couples who are experiencing sexual difficulties learn to improve their sexual health.

Improving your sex life during and after cancer treatment

Sexual changes due to cancer are normal but you can still have a fulfilling sex life.
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