Ever feel confused about all the conflicting nutrition advice you hear in the media? Our Registered Dietitians are here to help! Check out our blog posts on the OSU Wexner Medical Center blog, as well as our RD videos on a variety of nutrition topics.

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Tips and advice from our experts

Sports Nutrition

Good nutrition is an important aspect to athletic training. There's no substitute or supplement for a balanced diet, as Kacie Vavrek, MS, RN, LD, explains.

How to read food labels

Liz Weinandy, a dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Centers, explains how to read a food label to make better nutrition choices.

Popular nutrition patient education

Heart Health

How to eat with heart failure

Learn the basics of how to eat for heart failure, including the importance of limiting fluids, limiting salt and how to track your weight.

Following a low-sodium diet

Liz Weinandy, a dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, explains how to lower the amount of salt or sodium you eat. Lowering sodium is hard because there is a lot of it in our food supply but this video shares tips on how to do it.

Diet when taking blood thinners

Liz Weinandy, a dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, explains how to eat when taking blood thinning medication including how much vitamin K you should take in.

Healthy Eating

How to read food labels

Liz Weinandy, a dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Centers, explains how to read a food label to make better nutrition choices.

Is there too much sugar in your diet?

Sugar has a huge impact on our health and well-being. Are you consuming too much sugar? Lori Chong, a registered dietitian nutritionist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, explains why this matters.

Managing expectations in weight management

Setting realistic goals is important to approaching a weight-loss or weight-management plan. Liz Weinandy, a staff dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, explains.

What's really a good portion size?

In the U.S. these days, typical serving sizes are much larger than they were 20 years ago. Liz Weinandy, a staff dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, explains why this makes such a big difference in how Americans manage their weight.

Drink calorie-free

Many Americans are taking in too many of their daily calories from beverages -- especially sugary ones. How do those add up, and how can we make better choices? Liz Weinandy, MPH, RDN, LD, explains.

How to snack smart

Snacking can help keep the edge off our hunger, but there's a healthy way to do it -- and an unhealthy way. Registered dietitian nutritionist Liz Weinandy, MPH, RDN, LD, explains how to do it the healthy way.

Nutrition Specific Conditions

How to eat with cirrhosis of the liver

Liz Weinandy, a dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, explains the basics of how to eat for cirrhosis, including getting in enough protein and the importance of limiting salt and fluids.

Optimizing diet for diabetes during pregnancy, part 1

Learn the basics of how to eat, including timing of meals and snacks, why it's important to limit carbohydrates to control your blood sugar and how to count carbohydrates.

Sports Nutrition

Nutrition is key to sports performance

Good nutrition is an important aspect to athletic training. There's no substitute or supplement for a balanced diet, as Kacie Vavrek, MS, RN, LD, explains.

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