At Ohio State, we provide the highest quality nutritional dietary counseling through our expert team of registered dietitians, nutritionists, chefs and more. It’s never too late to start eating healthier – whether you want to lose weight, your doctor has recommended a dietary change or you just want to eat healthier! Meet and learn more about our team of experts in nutrition and dietary services.

Healthy Community day

Healthy Community Day is a vibrant celebration of well-being, where members of the community come together to prioritize their health and happiness. From the moment you arrive, you're greeted with a sense of inclusivity and vitality, setting the stage for a day filled with empowerment and education.

Parking is made convenient, ensuring that accessibility is not a barrier to participating in the festivities. As you step into the event, you're met with a bustling atmosphere of activity and enthusiasm. Food and cooking demonstrations beckon, showcasing delicious and nutritious recipes that inspire healthier eating habits. Whether you're a culinary novice or a seasoned chef, there's something for everyone to learn and savor.

Fitness demonstrations pulse with energy as instructors lead invigorating workouts that ignite the spirit and strengthen the body. From yoga to Zumba, there's a myriad of activities to explore, each offering a fun and engaging way to stay active and fit.

Families delight in the entertainment options available, with games, performances, and activities designed to foster connection and joy. Giveaways add an element of excitement, offering attendees the chance to win prizes that support their journey to wellness.

But it's not just about the fun and games—Healthy Community Day also prioritizes health screenings and consultations. Volunteers and healthcare professionals are on hand to provide a range of services, from checking blood pressure to offering breast exams and skin screenings. Education is key, with informative sessions on topics like nutrition, stroke awareness, and general health ensuring that everyone leaves with valuable knowledge to support their well-being.

Nutrition services play a central role in the event, with Registered Dietitians and Diet Techs offering educational handouts and personalized advice. Nutritious food is provided to both the community and volunteers, reinforcing the message that healthy eating is both delicious and accessible.

As the day draws to a close, attendees depart with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to their health. Healthy Community Day isn't just an event—it's a catalyst for positive change, empowering individuals and communities to thrive together.

Healthy Community day photos

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Pelotonia Volunteers

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OSU Nutrition team educates high schoolers

OSU RDs and NDTRs captivate high schoolers with insights into the roles, workplaces, and responsibilities of nutrition professionals! The students were thoroughly engaged, adding an extra layer of excitement to the HRS camp experience!
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Ross Heart Hospital Community Garden

The Ross Heart Hospital Community Garden has become a valuable resource to so many in our community. The purpose of the garden is to improve the health and wellness of its visitors by informing them of the importance of healthy eating, cooking and nutrition. Patients, caregivers and community members have reaped the benefits of the community garden – helping them all live a healthier lifestyle.

Learn about the Ross Community Garden

Community Education

Nutrition services goes far beyond the medical center walls.  We want to empower our community on how to create a healthy lifestyle full of color and flavor through the well balanced foods we eat.  We partner with numerous organizations to provide education and cooking demonstrations that promote healthy food choices.

JamesCare for Life

JamesCare for Life offers a variety of group classes, healthy eating tips through their “Eat Well, Live Well” email program, cooking classes, workshops, grocery shopping tours and healthy recipes for individuals with cancer or cancer survivors. Participants are also invited to join the Garden of Hope (GoH), where they can learn about the health benefits of a plant-based diet and participate in various garden-related events throughout the Summer months.

Learn about JamesCare for Life

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Food Pantry

We recognize the growing need for healthy food options, especially among our impoverished communities. We are proud to support these efforts through community outreach programs with food banks and food pantries throughout central Ohio. For example, we work with Mid-Ohio Foodbank to provide food from some of our community gardens, who provide nearly 150,000 meals every day to hungry people across central and eastern Ohio. Our team of experts provide recipes along with culinary and nutrition education in order to help families eat healthier every day.

Learn about the Mid-Ohio Foodbank

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Farmers Markets

One of the best ways to eat healthier is to explore one of central Ohio’s many farmers’ markets. The Columbus area offers several farmers markets.

Find a farmers market near you

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